The only whisky in the world produced by a sake master or "Toji" sets the tone for another memorable dining experience at Cafe Ysabel...
Masterfully created by one of Japan's oldest distilleries, Akashi Japanese Whisky reveals yet another facet in Japan's highly regarded whisky tradition. Known for its unique distinction as the only whisky in the world distilled by an acclaimed sake master, Akashi Japanese Whisky was only recently shared with the rest of the world after being exclusively reserved for local consumption since it was established back in 1888. And there's just no better way to get acquainted with this elegant whisky than with a lavish dinner pairing prepared by Chef Gene Gonzalez of Cafe Ysabel. After a memorable wine pairing dinner with traditional Filipino cuisine at Cafe Ysabel (more on my earlier post, Wine Not? Rediscover Comforting Local Flavors with Chef Gene Gonzalez Paired with Fine Wine at Cafe Ysabel), Chef Gene Gonzalez creates another epic feast paired with one of Japan's rarest whiskies...