Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What's in the Fridge...Suman

As the holiday season approaches, traditional treats start appearing everywhere, including the fridge. Suman, a sweet, sticky roll made from glutinous rice and wrapped in banana leaves  is one such treat. Prepared and cooked with coconut milk and sugar, the rolls are then wrapped and steamed. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

What's in the Fridge...Arugula and more Crab Sticks

As the holiday season approaches, I will make a conscious effort to eat a more balanced diet, or at least try, to compensate for the anticipated eatfest in the coming weeks. After the first "What's in the Fridge" post last 17 November (see post here ), I decided to have another go at a fridge salad. Here's more "What's in the Fridge..."

Today, the fridge yielded some arugula and mixed greens, tomatoes, white onions, a salted red egg, and more of those crab sticks...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Ultimate Taste Test 7.0 at BGC

I've never attended the previous Ultimate Taste Tests, so I was really looking forward to this year's event at the Bonifacio Global City. It's great to see food entrepreneurs with their products all in one place, and sampling each of them in one night. You'll never know, but you could meet a potential food business success story right here. So what's cookin' at the Ultimate Taste Test 7.0 edition? Here's a quick tour on some of the Dude's  favorites...

Mio Gelati and the Ferrero Gelato. If you love the candy, you'll definitely love this. And the Snickers Gelato ain't bad too...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lord Stow's Egg Tarts

Light, flaky, sweet and soft custard. Rich and creamy, the kind that makes you close your eyes. Lord Stow's famous egg tarts is an indulgence I reward myself, for any and whatever reason.

Opening its first outlet in 1989 in Macau, the Lord Stow's Bakery story is an amazing one, with much of its success attributed to this egg tart. The original bakery has  become an iconic tourist attraction in Macau and its egg tarts continue to be popular.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What's in the Fridge...

Checked the fridge, found some half opened bag of spinach. Hmm...maybe a salad. One tomato...well, that would do. And, hey...crab sticks! Or what's left of it...

For the dressing, I found some near empty bottles of  olive oil and balsalmic vinegar, add salt and pepper to taste...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Back for More at Urameshi-Ya

Back at Little Tokyo. Back at Urameshi-Ya. Back for more Kobe beef and other grilled meats...great to be back.

Your table top grill is all set and ready to go...