Friday, November 9, 2012

What's in the Fridge...Green Apples, Red Apples and a Blender

Checked the fridge and found a few green apples, some red apples, a lone lemon, some carrots and leftover spinach. And a faithful old blender...

Then I found this simple recipe while searching the web, a Green Apple Smoothie with Spinach (check out's recipe by Mary Jolley at Looks like another fridge raid in the works...

Simple, east, quick, yet healthy and delicious. All you need for a cool Green Apple Smoothie are the following:
  • 2-3 green apples
  • a handfull of spinach
  • a slice of lemon
  • ice cubes, lots of ice cubes
After cleaning the ingredients and slicing the fruits and vegetables, time to rev up the old blender. You can leave the skin on the apples for that cool green color, just make sure to wash the apples and spinach well. 

After quick spin on the blender, pour in a tall glass and enjoy. And all in less than 10 minutes. Cool. It's sweet as it is, a little tart, but sweet. You may want add some sweetener or simple syrup it you want it sweeter, but its really great as is.

Cool, refreshing, and filling, just perfect for a weekend afternoon. And then there are the red apples and carrots...

For the Apple Carrot Smoothie, all you need are:
  • 2 red apples
  • a small carrot
  • a lemon wedge
  • a tray of ice cubes
Simply wash the apples and carrots, slice thinly and squeeze a little lemon before dumping in the blender. Top with some ice cubes and spin away. Add more ice cubes for a final spin, and its ready.

Nothing like tasty yet really healthy cool drinks for a change, and nnother fridge raid done. Here's to a great weekend ahead!

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  1. This is so refreshing and healthy. I like to add some milk in my carrot juice..yum yum

    1. Hi Jen, that sounds like a cool idea, I'll try that with my carrot juice next, thanks!


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