Sunday, April 19, 2020

#MenyaKokoroDelivery: Your Favorite Bowl of Tokyo Mazesoba by Menya Kokoro, Delivered...

There's just nothing quite like a comforting bowl of Tokyo Mazesoba delivered straight to your home during the Enhanced Community Quarantine. Menya Kokoro now delivers to homes all around the metro to get you through the social distancing protocols that are now the new normal.  

Contact tracing, social distancing and Covid 19, new words for the new normal triggered by a viral pandemic. Staying home becomes a critical measure to flatten the curve and stop the spread. The food delivery concept has been around for quite some time and for many at home during the quarantine, the true value of its convenience becomes the new normal. And it becomes even more special when your favorite bowl of Tokyo Mazesoba by Menya Kokoro is delivered straight to your home (for more on Menya Kokoro and their specialty Tokyo Mazesoba, see my earlier posts, #TokyosNumber1Mazesoba: Prepare For A New Ramen Experience by Menya Kokoro Tokyo Mazesoba on their launch last year and Mazesoba on a Cloudy Day at Menya Kokoro Tokyo Mazesoba). Ready for your sumptuous bowl of Tokyo Mazesoba by Menya Kokoro? Read on...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

#TasteJapan: Snack-on-the-Go with the New Deli Bread Series by Fuwa Fuwa

Breaking bread has never been this tasty. Come break bread and discover a whole new way of snacking on-the go with fresh-baked goodness made with the highest quality the Japanese are known for...

Nippon Premium Bakery Inc. rolls out its newest creation, Fuwa Fuwa Deli Bread Series along with new variants from its Sandwich and Bun Series to complement its current line-up of fresh-baked products. Bacon and Cheese Bread and Cheese Mayo Bread, Sweet Cream Cheese Bun and Strawberry Spread & Margarine Filled White Bread plus a whole lot of other tasty options in an impressive selection, it's time for a quick yet satisfying snack with the new Fuwa Fuwa Deli Bread Series and other tempting options by Nippon Premium Bakery Inc. Take a peek at what's new from the leading manufacturer and retailer of Japanese baked products...