About this Blog

I love to eat. Anything. Really. Unfortunately, I can't cook, much less bake. I can do scrambled eggs, since every egg dish I do turns scrambled. I love steaks, burgers, bacon, butter, beer and chocolate. And now I have to deal with cholesterol levels and hypertension. I've always wondered why the good stuff is usually bad.   But an evolving palate made me rediscover seafood. And salad. I love diving and I should go diving more often. I enjoy photography, it's therapeutic and helps me cope with the stress of everyday life. But I still have a lot to learn, and slowly venture away from the safe "auto" mode and experiment with other camera settings...which I also aim to do in other things, and stop being "safe" for a change. Time to suck the marrow out of life! 

And no, I'm not a food critic or reviewer. I don't have the culinary background nor training to say if this risotto is technically correct. My blog simply chronicles stories and experiences around food and travel. And document what's new and available out there. It's as simple as that. And with taste being subjective, think of my posts only as a rough guide to the metro's infinite offerings.

In the last five years, I was fortunate enough to travel and visit some amazing places, with equally amazing food, which gave me the idea of starting this blog.  I enjoy discovering new dining places, whether its a hole in the wall down the neighborhood, a fine dining establishment or a new chain, or a local hangout in another country. 

All my posts are on restaurants, but maybe, just maybe, I may surprise you with something homemade. Could be scrambled eggs, could be something else. Who knows.

This is my first blog, and you can tell since I am just doing an "About Me" page only now, many months after my first ever post. I'm no techie, so I'm still fumbling around with the many features and functions of this blog. So bear with me, but I promise it will be a fun ride. Good food. Good times. Life's too short. Live it.

By the way, I'm Gerry San Miguel. Or you can just call me Dude for Food. And thanks for dropping by...


  1. Hey food dude, I like your mission, am now a happy follower!

  2. Hey there firefoodie, thanks for following the Dude's blog!I think its time to set our passion for food on fire! Like I said, life's too short. Looking forward to sharing posts and hearing from you.

  3. ...and thank you for your comments on my posts and becoming a member. You should consider joining www.foodbuzz.com, a network of thousands of food nutters, I mean bloggers world wide. Have a browse and see what you think. Whenever you post on your blog you do a parallel one on foodbuzz. Your stuff is really entertaining, so should go down well.

  4. Thanks firefoodie, I actually signed up a little over a week ago. Awesome community, very supportive.

  5. I love your posts! I'll be spending some time around here........

  6. Hello Margaret, thanks for visiting! I also enjoyed your blog on life in Spain, amazing culture, history and food. Looking forward to sharing more posts with you!

  7. Food dude, I have been wondering since ever what your name is. ;)

  8. Hi Helene, you can call me Gerry. :)

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours also! I hope your holiday season is everything you wished for and more. Also, I am looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us on your blog in 2012!

  10. Thanks Tina, I also wish you and your family the best this Christmas! Looking forward to sharing more posts with you in 2012!

  11. Replies
    1. Hi SallyLyn, thanks! And thanks too for following, looking forward to sharing more posts with you!

  12. Hello Food dude,

    I love all your contents here! I'll be back for more!

    1. Hi forsythea, thanks, hope to hear more from you!

  13. Hey food dude! Do you have twitter or fb? :)

    1. Hi michymichymoo, I'm still working on an FB page, I will let you know as soon as I set it up. As for Twitter, that's in the works too...I will let you know soonest. Thanks michymichymoo!

  14. Hi food dude! i tried sending you an email but it unfortunately bounced back. i wonder why... is there any other way to reach you? would like to invite you to an event. looking forward to your reply. thanks! :)

    1. Hi Daisy, you can send me an email at fooddude.gsm@gmail.com or PM me at my FB page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dude-for-Food/269100033208494. Thanks Daisy!

  15. Love your food shots. I'm no cook too but I love to eat!



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