Regular Features: A Rough Guide to Navigating my Blog

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and to help you navigate through my posts, here's a rough guide to make your visit more enjoyable. Since I can hardly cook, much less bake, my posts are primarily about dining experiences in different restaurants, whether it's a hole-in-a-wall, a local hangout, or an upscale establishment. As long as there's good food, I'm there. So check out the labels on the right side bar, and simply click on the categories that interest you. 

You can also check out some regular features on my blog, and browse through the posts:

ECQ Eats

The year-long pandemic continues with the emergence of new variants requiring stringent quarantine protocols. The series features both innovative and ever reliable options for dining at home in the new normal. 

Dining in the Next Normal

This series of posts details the effects of the nationwide quarantine due to the global pandemic and its specific impact on the food service industry. It also details how restaurants and food businesses adapt and pivot to the new normal with the rise of food deliveries and online transactions, food and product innovations and the surge in home-based food businesses.  

What's in the Fridge...

This series started as a simple fridge raid, making the most of what's available in the fridge, which led to some pretty interesting surprises. 

What's in the Pantry...
An extension of the What's in the Fridge series, these posts chronicle some interesting finds in the pantry. 

Side Views

I've always enjoyed travel, and I actually started thinking about doing a food blog after a trip to the US six years ago and trying some amazing food in local hang-outs. These posts are a collection of photos from those trips, and hopefully, many more to come.

Quick Bites

Totally random, spur-of-the-moment photos of good eats. New places, old favorites, all good. And if I happen to bring a camers along, these "quick bites" are then posted.

Food News

New restos, new food products, great promos and other food-related news that may interest you. Stay tuned for more updates.

Flavors of...

Discover the best regional cuisine in this series of posts on local travel.

Meatless Fridays

A look at healthier yet tasty options.

Technology and Lifestyle/Food Apps

Learn the latest social media trends and food-specific apps on your never ending quest for good food.

Food Facts

Interesting trivia, information and facts on your favorite food.

Health and Wellness

And to balance thing out, quick features on wellness.

I do hope you stay a while, and go on your own personal journey through my blog. And I hope you enjoy the ride...

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