Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gone to Market, the Salcedo Weekend Market

Every weekend, the Salcedo Parking Lot transforms into a foodie's haven with an amazing selection of fresh produce and delicious dishes. Located right in the middle of the Makati CBD, local traders and the expat community living and working in the area make this weekend market quite an interesting experience. With so much local and international specialties available, it's a real challenge deciding which to try first. So, what's cookin' at the Salcedo Weekend Market? Here's a quick tour...

Side Entrance to the Salcedo Parking Area

At the Main Entrance

Shoppers build up at around mid-morning, so try to be early

Pork barbecue on the grill...

Sausages on the grill...

Takoyaki, a popular morning treat among shoppers...

Barbecue Ribs and Lamb Chops

Grilled Corn on the Cob

Grilling the kebabs

Assorted Grilled Seafood

Japanese Mini-Pancakes

Native Suman (glutinous rice rolls)

Fresh baked organic bread

Native Kakanin, sweet rice cakes

All set for fresh fruit juices...

Grilled Fish

Fried Okuy (crisy fried papaya fritters with shrimp) and Lumpia (fried spring rolls)

Desserts from the Expat community

A whole roasted cow on a spit

Chestnuts being roasted...

Burgers and beef on the grill

Hmm...a little heat can be good for you

Roasted Cashews from the North...

Interesting French Dude with his crepes, a popular fixture at the market


Here's the Dude's cuz with his products...

...and some of his popular product lines.

And yet another cool French dude...

...and his roast chickens.

...gotta have a dim sum cart for sure.

...and pumpkins too!

Native Limes

farm fresh produce

Kalamansi, native sweet sour lemons

...and so much more

Ornamental plants are available as well...

The Salcedo Weekend Market opens at 7 am all the way to 2pm. The bad news? I still have to try the other half of the market. This calls for another visit...

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  1. Oh wow!! I love outdoor markets. Looks like you had so much fun. I wish I was there too! Everything looks delicious, I want to eat them all...:D

  2. Hi Ducky, yup, the market's fun. Gotta go back!

  3. I love the Salcedo market!

    On Sundays, there's the Legazpi market. ^_^

  4. Thanks, Bopeep! Will check out the Legazpi Market next...

  5. If I'd been there, I probably would have chosen one of everything. Especially the pork barbecue. Woah. The Japanese pancakes, too... Okay, so maybe more than one of everything.

  6. What an amazing market. Everyone looks really proud of their produce and very happy.

  7. @ Nicole-I'd probably do the same thing, one visit is definitely not enough! I'll probably do another post soon. Thanks, Nicole!

    @ All That I'm Eating-You are so right, the other great thing about the market are the interesting characters and proud owners, it's really cool getting to know them. Thanks for dropping by!

  8. I love going to the market. Enjoyed looking at all the great photos.

  9. Hi Christine, the weekend market was fun, thanks for dropping by!

  10. wow look at all the produce! I love those green tangerines!

  11. Hi Angie, the market and produce are pretty amazing, I need to visit again soon! Thanks for dropping by, Angie!

  12. The post is extremely interesting with these lovely pictures. You are so passionate in cooking and I can make out from every post of yours! Lovely blog. Shall come back again very soon!

  13. Thanks Purabi, looking forward to hearing from you soon!

  14. That looks awesome I want to go to THAT market!!!! Um it's like 9 a.m. and I'm having coffee but seriously want to eat some of that pig on a spit! And basically everything else I saw as well okay maybe I would pass on the fish on a stick but it's early by mid afternoon I would totally be down. :)

  15. Hi S.V., there were just so many choices I didn't know where to start myself. Thanks for dropping by!

  16. This market is totally different from the markets we have here in Cyprus. I watched a TV program and I was excited to see all these. Your photos are so nice. Thanks for sharing this experience with us.

  17. I loved every picture! What a fun place to shop and eat!! I wish I had something that cool to go to on weekend. How did you pick what to eat... everything looked so good!!

  18. @ Eftychia-I wish I could've shared more, there was just so much to see and taste. Thanks for stopping by, Efty!

    @ Ramona-I will have to visit again soon to try the other stuff, there are still so many options! Thanks for dropping by, Ramona!

  19. I wish I could have been there, I would have wanted to try one of everything and still wanted more, especially the rice cakes!

  20. Hi Nik, the variety of products is really amazing, thanks for stopping by!

  21. WOW! Market looks amazing! Food absolutely to drool for!

  22. Hello Sandra, there's so much more that I need to do a second visit. Thanks for dropping by!

  23. Oh hey... they roast chestnuts with coffee beans like they do in Malaysia! Beautiful market.

  24. Hey M, amazing isn't it? Despite having different food cultures, there are still so many similarities. Great to hear from you, Teambudu!

  25. I was doing a research about Salcedo Market when I chanced upon your blog. Great post you got here, thank you for sharing. Keep on blogging food dude, you're doing a good job!

  26. Hello Yedy, thanks for the kind words, appreciate it!

  27. Wow! This market looks amazing! Beautiful pictures. I wish I could see it for myself. Until then, thanks for sharing!

  28. Hi Kelly, thank you! And thanks for dropping by!

  29. Wow, the market seems like our kind of place! The vendors seem so proud of their products, and they should be we`re sitting here drooling over all the food! We think the crepes and the barbecued pork are our favourite, but we can`t decide! Great photos, and thank you for sharing!

  30. Hi Angela Leah and Marilena, thanks for dropping by!

  31. I wanna visit that too. I've only been to Mercato Centrale.

    1. It's a great way to spend a Saturday morning, good eats too!

  32. What a beautiful market :) A lot of items look so familiar to what used to be in my hometown... they bring a lot of delicious memories :)

    1. Hi Tes, great to hear that, and thanks for stopping by!

  33. What an amazing market is this? Hopefully I will visit this salcedo market soon. Keep on sharing.

    eiyah @ salcedo market

    1. Hi Eiyah, stay tuned for more posts, thanks for stopping by!

  34. Welcome :) I'll just want to ask if this market near Market Market Taguig or not? Keep on posting more on Salcedo Market.


    1. Hi Eiyah, it's the one near Makati Sports Club in Salcedo Village. Thanks!

  35. Thanks for this info! I will be visit there next week. Keep on posting.

    --------> Eiyah @ Salcedo Market


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