Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's in the Pantry...Valor Cao

Nothing like a cup of hot chocolate. The thick and creamy kind, like Spanish hot chocolate. And my niece brings back another taste of Spain from her recent trip. Very cool.

Valor Cao, specially made to go with churros.

Chocolates Valor is a family run business established in 1881 by Don Valeriano Lopez Lloret, producing premium quality chocolate products. Today, the company's products are distributed all over the world.  And after celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2006, the company's vision remains true with its expanded product line.

Thick, rich and creamy, the way traditional hot chocolate should be. And just perfect with churros.

And with Valor Cao, rich hot chocolate is so easy and quick. Just add 2 tbsp of Valor Cao for every cup of milk, then simply simmer and stir in a pot. After a few minutes, it's done. Works well with low fat milk, but best with fresh full cream milk.

The thick, sweet and smooth chocolate wraps the churros in every dip, making each bite burst with chocolatey richness.

For more information on Valor Chocolates, see my post on valor's extensive line of premium chocolate bars here at Good food. Good times...

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  1. Wow--look at those churros! That reminds me of my 8th grade Spanish text, Churros y Chocolate.

    1. Hi Cucina49, yup, churros just brings back so many childhood memories, thanks for stopping by!

  2. I haven't heard about Valor Cao but you made me really hungry just by thinking of churros con chocolate, they can be one of the best desserts ever

    1. Hi beti, I agree, definitely one of the best desserts! Great to hear from you Beti!

  3. hot choco and churros--what could be more perfect on a rainy afternoon?:p

    1. Hi Luna, yup, just perfect! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Seriously, I crave churros and hot chocolate now. YUM.

    1. Hi iska, nothing like churros and hot chocolate! Great to hear from you iska!

  5. I haven't tried this combination they look a perfect combination.

    Here is mine and this too.

  6. I suddenly missed dipping churros in hot chocolate. :|

    1. Hi jerellt, this is always something I come back too, classic comfort food!

  7. I'll most probably give this a try!

    1. Hi Eric, give it a go, it's delicious! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Replies
    1. Hi pinkc00kies, real good eats! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. if churros are not available, even hot pandesal will taste great with this....

    1. hey Albert, yup, hot pandesal would be great with Valor Cao! Thanks for dropping by, Albert!


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