Friday, November 9, 2012

Dear Darla, It's Been A While...

It's been a while since I last enjoyed Yellow Cab's Dear Darla, way too long. It was definitely time to catch up on a dear old friend.

The unique rolled pizza includes fresh arugula and alfalfa sprouts, very cool. Not only is it refreshingly different, it's actually fun rolling your own little Dear Darla. 

While waiting for the orders, I picked up the usual condiments. Nothing like some dried chili flakes and a little chili oil to spice up things.

After just a few minutes, the first order arrived, Yellow Cab's Hot Wings (P 235 for 4 pcs.), fresh off the fryer. As with all items in Yellow Cab, everything is prepared as you order, and nothing is pre-cooked. 

The wings are unbelievably crisp, and the chicken is moist and juicy. The wings have a nice, cool heat from Yellow Cab's spicy sauce, best paired with some of Yellow Cab's Garlic Ranch dip.

And here she is, Yellow Cab's classic Dear Darla, thin crust pizza topped with pepperoni, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, capers and black olives. Simply add some fresh arugula and alfafa sprouts, and roll away.

The 14" Dear Darla (P 495) yields around twelve pizza rolls, good for two to three persons, or one really hungry dude. The combination of flavors and textures, the subtle crunch from the alfalfa sprouts and fresh arugula, and the savory toppings blend perfectly in a handy pizza roll. Definitely not your usual pizza.

Drizzle a little chili oil and some chili flakes, perfect. Like an old friend, Dear Darla never disappoints.

And what better way to cap the meal than with Yellow Cab's ice cream.

Today, I go for Pistachio (P 120/pint). Rich and creamy, the sweet and subtle notes from the pistachios provide the perfect ending, and a cooling break from too much chili flakes and chili oil. 

And this was gone in no time at all...

With 7 Classic and 8 Specialty pizzas ranging from 10 to 18 inches, you won't run out of choices. But there's nothing quite like a Dear Darla if you want a truly unique pizza experience.

The friendly manager and crew at Yellow Cab, and you're in very good hands.

Yellow Cab's cool scoots, a familiar and comforting sight. It was great to see Dear Darla after a long while, can't wait to see her again...

Yellow Cab is located at Unit 110, G/F Carpark 1, Greenhills Shopping Center, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila. Call 789-9999 for deliveries or visit for more details. 

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  1. Omg this place is AWESOME! I really wish we had sth like that in Australia, you are so lucky. The food is exactly what I love to eat. Deep fried and eaten with hands. The pizza rolls are such a smashing idea. I always struggle to find good delivery places here so it's so awesome that this place is 24/7!

    1. hey Winston, cool comfort food, and the rolled pizza rocks! Great to hear from you bud!

  2. Yellow Cab never fails my hungry tummy :D

    1. hey pinkc00kies, yup, nothing like the Cab's pizza!

  3. my family adores dear darla too! nice photo/presentation of the pizza. i don't think i have the will power to roll everything, take a photo then eat them hahaha.

    we always get dear darla and the charlie chan chicken pasta

    1. hi triggerhappyfoodie, thanks! Dear Darla has always been on my top pizza list, thanks for stopping by!

  4. My fave at yellow cab!!! I so dig this interactive pizza. And love the chicken wings and Charlie Chicken pasta too! :D

    Babe for Food - your BFF in Cebu dining! :)

    1. hey Justinne, Dear Darla is just so cool, yummy too, great to hear from you Justinne!

  5. Replies
    1. Hey Karl, the ice cream's great and the cans are pretty cool, great to hear from you bud!

  6. Gorgeous pics..mouthwatering food and I love the yellow cab. They look so cool!

  7. The arugula + alfalfa sprouts put the Dear in Darla. Yellow Cab's folded pizza follows the same concept, somehow, and they're all great!

  8. i've always wanted to try Yellow Cab's Dear Darla Pizza :)

    1. hi Berylle, it's different, and really fun rolling the pizza! Definitely a must try, great to hear from you Berylle!

  9. Dear Darla looks really good! I really love the way it's presented :-) Just the right amount... one good bite at a time.

    1. Hi iska, the arugula and alfalfa sprouts, and rolling the pizza, makes this different and fun, great to hear from you iska!

  10. Those pizza rolls look to die for! Love the pistachio ice cream.

    1. Hi Angie, the pizza rolls are awesome, and the ice cream rocks! Great to hear from you Angie!

  11. I haven't tried Dear Darla. I should give it a try soon. :)

    1. Hi mich, you should definitely give Dear Darla a try! Thanks for stopping by!


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