Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Greeka Kouzina's Lamb Burger

After trying out Greeka Kouzina's Roast Lamb, I had to go back. And after singlehandedly wiping out the roast lamb, surprising both myself and the friendly staff at  Greeka Kouzina, I decided to go for something lighter (check out my previous post on Greeka Kouzina's Roast Lamb here at http://dude4food.blogspot.com/2012/10/greeka-kouzina-taste-of-greece-in-san.html). Aside from their grilled lamb dishes, Greeka Kouzina also offers their own unique burger, one with a cool Greek twist. And I go for Greeka Kouzina's Lamb Burger.

I've always enjoyed lamb dishes, and lamb burgers are way up there in my list. And from what I hear, Greeka Kouzina serves up a pretty mean Lamb Burger...

It's always cool to find great food in the most unlikely places, and in this quiet, predominantly residential neighborhood in San Juan, Greeka Kouzina has been serving authentic Greek dishes since it opened only four months ago. And I continue to hear positive things about the place, a good sign. As I entered, a number of tables were already reserved, not bad for a weekday, and the place slowly filled up as I grabbed the only remaining table. 

Greeka Kouzina's Lamb Burger (P 280), quarter pound Greek Lamb patty with caramelized figs and onions and topped with feta cheese and tomatoes served with fries and tatziki. I've always enjoyed Greeka Kouzina's fresh salads, and it's great to see familiar leafy greens on the burger. 

As with most dishes at Greeka Kouzina, you can select from 18+ sides to go with your meal, ranging from salads, Greek potatoes to pasta. I go for the Salata Marouli (P 180 ala carte, P 120 with the Lamb Burger), shredded lettuce and arugula with lemon and dill, topped with parmesan. A simple salad with a refreshing lemon dill dressing generously topped with sharp parmesan for a cool blend of flavors. Very cool.

One bite and the richness of the lamb patty plays with the sharp and creamy notes of the feta cheese, as you go for another bite. And another. The crisp lettuce and arugula adds more texture and flavor in each bite. The Greek flavors work for me. This is one seriously good burger. A regular sized burger, I was halfway through in minutes. If you have a bigger appetite, go for a double patty for an additional P 140.  

And the fries deserve a special mention. Deliciously crisp and rich, real good fries. And paired with the tatziki, perfect. This one's makes the cut on my next post for the second edition of The Dude's Top Twelve Burger Round Up (check out the first edition of The Top Twelve Burger Round Up here at http://dude4food.blogspot.com/2012/06/dudes-top-twelve-list-burgers.html).   Not your usual burger, definitely different. Definitely good.

Greeka Kouzina is located at 285 P. Guevarra Street, San Juan or call 624-5974 for inquiries. You can also visit Greeka Kouzina's Facebook page at www.facebook.com/GreekaKouzina for more information.

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  1. This looks so good. You've made my mouth water!

    1. Hi Caroline, a cool twist on the usual burger, really good! Great to hear from you Caroline!

  2. I started reading & was enjoying it so much, I quickly poured another coffee & settled down to enjoy

    1. Hi cquek, thanks for enjoying the post and having a second cup of coffee! Great to hear from you cquek!

  3. Can you compare it with Diamond Hotel's Lamb Burger? :)


    1. Hi mich, both are actually very different, and good. The Lobby Lounge's Lamb Burger is richly flavored with Moroccan spices giving it a distinct flavor, while Greeka Kouzina's version allows you to enjoy more of the juicy lamb flavor. And both are great...I wouldn't mind having any one of them right now...

  4. Hi,I have not eaten lamb burger but this sure look very tempting and delicious. Nice click!

    Have a nice week ahead,regards.


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