Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Trio of Desserts at LoLa Cafe+Bar

After a great lunch at LoLa Cafe+Bar (see my previous post on LoLa Cafe+Bar's cool dishes here at http://dude4food.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-cool-lunch-at-lola-cafebar.html), it was time to sample their desserts. And the day's surprises continue with some sweet notes...

Just how can one top a great lunch at LoLa Cafe+Bar? Dessert. We sampled not one, but three of Chef Maegan's signature desserts. And a light mid-afternoon drizzle added a nice touch as we decided to go al fresco in the shaded outdoor dining area.

A cool dining discovery tucked away in Quezon City's residential area, LoLa Cafe+Bar offers a wide range of comfort food, beverages and desserts. And the desserts do not disappoint.

A trio of desserts, each with a distinct flavor and texture, all beautifully presented, perfect with LoLa Cafe+Bar's brewed coffee.

Banoffee Pie (P 150), bananas with custard cream topped with chocolate flakes on graham crust.

The creamy custard and sweet bananas combine for a subtle yet rich flavor, as I eagerly go for another slice.

Pistachio Pavlova (P 90), a rich, creamy pastry yet crisp and chewy, topped with pistachio and mangoes.

The light pastry and cream with the sweet mangoes and pistachio are as flavorful as the bright colors of the dessert, a decadent treat.

Belgian Chocolate Cupcake (P 60), covered in rich chocolate ganache frosting. If you enjoy chocolate, get this one. Rich, moist chocolate cupcake with indulgent chocolate frosting, double chocolate pleasure. Like the old saying, chocolate is the answer, no matter what the question.

Chef Maegan Chua's desserts are yet another reason to visit LoLa Cafe+Bar. And there's no better way to cap a meal at LoLa Cafe+Bar than with its trio of signature desserts.

And the day ends with some sweet notes, a trio of indulgent desserts. If you find yourself in the Scout area of Quezon City, be sure to check out LoLa Cafe+Bar. A very cool find, definitely worth a visit.

LoLa Cafe+Bar is located at 99 Scout Lozano (near Scout Tuazon), Tomas Morato, Quezon City or call 501-2620 for inquiries and reservations.

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  1. Replies
    1. hey mich, you should, definitely worth a visit soon!

  2. Wow! I love desserts! I love Banoffee Pie that Banapple offers.. ^_^

    1. Hi Rackell, you should try this too, it's pretty good! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Got to try their desserts except for the banoffee pie. The cupcake was good but I liked the pistachio pavlova more! :D But I would really love it if we were served with a big pavlova like the one in your photo. The plate that was served to us had 3 small pavlovas. But nevertheless, it was still good and I love it! Will definitely try the banoffee pie on our next visit. :)

    1. Hi Kriska Marie, that's great! It's a cool spot, and great food too! Great to hear from you!

  4. the Pavlova makes my heart beat faster.:p

    1. Hi Luna, and it really tastes as good as it looks! Thanks for stopping by!


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