Saturday, June 8, 2013

Food News: Need a Drink? Check out Alcohol on Call...

Need a shot of premium single malt? Like, right now? No problem, the guys at Alcohol on Call got you covered...

Whisky, vodka, brandy, rum, teuila, gin, name it, the guys at Alcohol on Call's got it. Plus more. It's your very own party on call. Very cool.

Planning a spontaneous and impromptu tequila session tonight? Give these guys a call. And you're on your way to one cool and convenient drinking experience. But before you call your friends and neighbors, check if your address is covered by Alcohol on Call's delivery coverage. 

Dude for Food is now on Facebook, check out the FB Page for regular updates on good eats and cool new products and services. Better yet, click :Like: and enjoy the ride...just look for the FB "Like" widget on the right sidebar. 

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