Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lechon Degustacion Version 2.0 at Pepita's Kitchen

How does one top an awesome lechon degustacion experience, with lechon stuffed with Sisig, or with garlic, herbs and potatoes, or with truffle rice? Leave it to Pepita's Kitchen to come up with another epic version with even more surprising lechon creations. Here's yet another round with Pepita's Kitchen's Lechon Degustacion (check out my epic experience with Pepita's Kitchen for the first time here at, a version 2.0 for the ultimate lechon degustacion experience. 

After nearly a year, it was great to be back at Pepita's Kitchen. I was literally blown away after my first ever Lechon Degustacion by Pepita's Kitchen, a tough act to follow. But they say it's sweeter the second time around, and Pepita's Kitchen definitely pulled all the stops for my second Lechon Degustacion experience.

Just like my first experience, the elegant dinner setting was just a preview of more good things to come. Dinner begins with Pepita's Kitchen's Magic Drink, cotton candy in a martini glass, poured with a spiked fruit juice and crisp Tendon Chips with Sinigang Dip. Playful, inventive, exactly what you would expect from Pepita's Kitchen. But Pepita's Kitchen has more surprises up her sleeves...

Hiplog, a richly flavored dish of plump shrimp with salted egg, elegantly served on a spoon. Bold yet balanced flavors on a spoon, Pepita's Kitchen has definitely raised the bar. Just like Pepita's Kitchen's lechon, the side dishes are no longer the supporting cast, and can definitely stand on its own. Version 2.0? Definitely.

Then, the first of two lechons were served. Pepita's Kitchen's Stuffed Lechon with Than Liong Crab Meat and Garlic Noodles, served with garlic butter sauce. Slow roasted and perfectly cooked, with crisp skin and tender, juicy pork. The succulent crab meat and noodles worked perfectly with the lechon, absorbing the richness of the pork. Subtle yet rich flavors, another lechon masterpiece from Pepita's Kitchen. Pour some garlic butter sauce for good measure and added flavor.

Seconds? Absolutely. The feast continues with Pepita's Kitchen's Pop Salad (L), a light arugula salad served with herbed cheese, cashew paste and...pop rocks (very cool),  and Bone Marrow Surprise (R), roasted bone marrow served with bits of crunchy chicharon and ox-tail marmalade. Just can't get any better than that.

A refreshing palate cleanser of Buko Sorbet, a young coconut sorbet with a hint of tangy tamarind. Not too sweet, just perfect before the next round of dishes...

Pinoy Henyo Para Di Mangamote, a cool name for an unusual dish, but this works for me. Richly flavored ox-brain served with crisp sweet potato chip, another dish with an interesting pairing of texture and flavor.

Sipitsarap, a delicious cracked crab claw cooked in crab fat and butter. The crab fat adds a favorful richness enhancing the subtle flavors of the crab meat, and the butter just adds the finishing touch. Seriously good.

Lucky You, another pun, this time on a popular noodle brand, and another interesting dish from Pepita's Kitchen. The richly flavored glass noodles seemed just the right dish after the first batch of rich dishes.

Lambada, another witty named dish for Lamb Kaldereta, served with rice wrapped in banana leaf. Tender, and with a nice spice, another cool starter before the next stuffed lechon...

Pepita's Kitchen's second lechon, Stuffed Lechon with Chinese Ham, served with a dark, sweet pineapple sauce. The Chinese Ham adds a delicious saltiness to the subtle and delicate flavors of the juicy pork, and the sweet sauce adds another layer of flavor. The rich flavors are perfectly balanced, another winner from Pepita's Kitchen.

Dedet de la Fuente-Santos of Pepita's Kitchen and Chef Cyrille Soennen of Brasserie Cicou carve the second stuffed lechon, as we line up for another serving of Pepita's Kitchen's unique suckling pig.

Tender, juicy with a crisp layer of crackling, blending with the rich flavors of the Chinese Ham...perfect. But save room for dessert...

To cap the feast, Chef Cyrille and Anna Soennen of Brasserie Ciciou served their legendary Kouign Amman (Kween-a-mon), a flaky layered dessert topped with rich chocolate.

Brasserie Cicou's original Kouign Amman, buttery and flaky, topped with salted caramel ice cream. A perfect ending to another epic feast at Pepita's Kitchen.

So how does one top Pepita's Kitchen's epic Lechon Degustacion? Leave it to Pepita's Kitchen to amaze and surprise you. And here's looking forward to another Lechon Degustacion version 3.0 from Pepita's Kitchen.

For special orders or reservations, you can call Pepita's Kitchen at 425-4605 or 0917-866-0662.

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  1. Whoa! This is too good to be true! My stomach's grumbling now. My goodness! :)

    1. Hi Lovelee, this was simply awesome, great to hear from you!

  2. Waaaahhh.. Lechon! I love Lechon!!! Love your shots dude! ^_^

  3. wow, ehat a festive dinner, lucky you my friend!

    1. hi dentistvschef, that was an awesome dinner, thanks for stopping by!


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