Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Come Together...Right Now: Restaurants Band Together For Typhoon Yolanda Relief Drive

Five days after Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) ripped through the Visayas in the central part of the Philippines, the effects of what many experts believe to be the strongest ever tropical cyclone to hit the the country can still be seen in the widespread devastation and casualties particularly in Tacloban. With wind speeds estimated at 315 km/h (195 mph), and the resulting storm surge bringing tsunami-like waves as high as 5-6 meters (15-19 ft), initial numbers on the loss of human life and destruction to property are staggering. And the numbers continue to rise. And through it all, we've witnessed the best, and the worst, in the Filipino. Its times like these when political differences should be set aside, a time for united action and less talk.

And its great to see friends in the food industry band together for a common cause...

And as the storm left its wake of destruction, Jeremy Slagle, in the true spirit of volunteerism, set up the Yolanda Action Weekend Facebook Group along with local restaurants with the aim of generating funds to aid the victims of Yolanda (you can check the Facebook Group here at To-date, the following restaurants have pledged a portion of their proceeds for the benefit of the Philippine National Red Cross.

And as of today, here are the latest restaurants participating in the Yolanda Action Weekend...

Members and alumni of the Lasallian Community here and abroad are also enjoined to band together for relief operations and donations. You can visit the website here at for more information.

The world has responded as well, with international aid pouring in. Now, more than ever, we need to come together.

Dude for Food is now on Facebook, check out the Facebook page at or simply click the FB "Like" Button on the right sidebar for the latest food news.

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