Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sunset at Manila Hotel

Everyday, the Manila Bay stages a spectacular light show. And there's no better vantage point than the Manila Hotel...

A refreshing beverage, a beautiful sunset seen from Manila Hotel's view deck...just can't get better than that. (Visited the Grand Dame lately? For more on the historic Manila Hotel, check out my previous post here at http://dude4food.blogspot.com/2014/02/experience-history-at-manila-hotel.html).

Past the hotel pool, the Manila Hotel's view deck is directly above the breakwater where you can enjoy the cool breeze and one of the best free shows with the famed Manila Bay sunset.

The calming breeze and the gentle sound of waves lapping on the rocks, a front row seat to another spectacular sunset by the bay, and the Grand Dame behind you.

And as the afternoon light fades away, the shifting light paints the bay with a wide palette of colors.

Another round, another sunset. A great way to end your visit at Manila Hotel...

The Manila Hotel is located at One Rizal Park, 0913, Manila or call 527-0011 for inquiries.

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