Saturday, May 6, 2017

Tea with a French Accent: The Royal Afternoon Tea Series Featuring Marie Antoinette at Writers Bar

"Let them eat cake..."

Words that have resonated long after the French Revolution. But did Marie Antoinette really say it, or was it just a journalistic cliche? Historians have debated for decades regarding this notorious utterance perfectly describing class conflict and western aristocracy. Accounts detailed a flawed translation, referring to brioche and not cake, but whether Marie Antoinette did say these infamous words remains an open-ended discussion. Historians have traced the famous quote to an anecdote by Jean-Jacques Rousseau about a "great princess" well before Marie Antoinette arrived in France. But Marie Antoinette's place in history has already been firmly established, mythologized in local lore after that turbulent chapter in French history. It's interesting trivia like this that lead to colorful conversations at tea time. And you can have your cake. And a soothing cup of Raffles Hotel. Writers Bar introduces its Royal Afternoon Tea Series drawing inspiration from history's icons, and starting May 1 to July 31, 2017, you can indulge in a lavish selection of sweet and savory creations inspired by Marie Antoinette paired with select premium teas. Read on for a peek at afternoon tea with a French accent...

The elegant displays of fresh flowers, ornate feathers, and fine china from Wedgwood add that touch of lavish extravagance taking you back to the royal courts of Marie Antoinette. Writers Bar takes Afternoon Tea to a whole new level with a uniquely French flair, just one of many thematic inspired experiences conceptualized by Raffles Hotel in a continuing series (more on Writers Bar's previous afternoon tea on my post, Afternoon Tea with a New York Twist at Writers Bar with Kate Spade and their Breakfast at Tiffany's themed afternoon tea on my post, Breakfast at Tiffany's? Make That Afternoon Tea at Tiffany's. At Writers Bar...).

It's creative spins like these that make afternoon tea so special at Writers Bar. So let them eat cake...

...and I'll go for savory tea sandwiches, scones with jam and clotted cream, and decadent sweets. Delicate Lavender Macarons, Chocolate Orange Financier, and Rose and White Chocolate Religieuse are just some of the indulgent bites you can enjoy at The Royal Afternoon Tea Series (P 1,500 for two persons) by Writers Bar.

The impeccable service, a signature of Raffles Hotel, is just one layer that threads the afternoon tea experience. A pot of tea of your choice is served by the staff at Writers Bar as the soothing notes of the pianist completes the casual vibe. The fruity aroma of freshly brewed tea lingers, as you excitedly take your first sip...

But it's best to enjoy your tea at a slow and leisurely pace. I've always enjoyed the Sweet Paris Tea of Writers Bar, but it was time to try something new. The White Vanilla Grapefruit and Mango Fruit Tea combined the bold notes of fruit with the deep, rounded and earthy notes of the premium tea, rich flavors Marie Antoinette would approve. After adding a cube of sugar, stir your tea gently, one must not swirl, and delicately place your spoon on the right hand side under the handle. Learning the rules of afternoon tea is, after all, part of the experience.

Make your afternoon tea even more special with a glass of Champagne, simply add P 900 for a bubbly French note to your experience. Rumor has it that the saucer-shaped coupe champagne glass was modeled after the breasts of Marie Antoinette. Then again, it adds another interesting topic for tea time...

The golden hues of the effervescent champagne in the elegant flute glass transforms the stately afternoon tea into a royal affair. As you take another sip, you can ponder on the fact that there are approximately 58 million bubbles in a bottle of champagne...

There are strict rules and protocols for afternoon tea, and one of them is the iconic three-tier stand enjoyed in the order of savory tea sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, and indulgent sweets.

The top tier offers a variety of decadent sweets, from pairs of  Lavender Macaron, Chocolate Orange Financiers, Strawberry Pavlova, Mini-Eclairs, and tasty bite-sized Apple and Almond Tarts. You'll have to resist the urge to start with the sweets...

...and do it right by starting with something savory. The middle tier includes a selection of savory bites, including French-themed tea sandwiches like the Brioche topped with Quail Egg and Black Truffle, Foie Gras Terrine served on Hazelnut Bread, Nicoise on Pain de Campagne a la Tomate, and flaky Onion Tartlets with Herbs. Small bites that's big on flavor, each savory piece is perfectly capped by a sip of tea.

Pour yourself another cup of tea for the next round. The bottom tier includes traditional Scones served with Clotted Cream and Strawberry Jam. This is what defines traditional afternoon tea, the classic single-serve bread made with wheat and barley. The dense bread is the perfect base for rich clotted cream and jam, transforming your tea time into a proper afternoon tea.

And there's a proper way of enjoying scones. It's said that the nobility would tear the scones open, not slice. And then you can do it Cornish-Style by adding the jam first, or Devon-style by adding the clotted cream before the jam, your call. Or just pour yourself another cup of tea and enjoy it your way...

Experience The Royal Afternoon Tea Series at The Writers Bar for only P 1,500 for two persons, available daily from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Add some French Flair to The Royal Afternoon Tea experience with a sparkling glass of Champagne for an additional P 900 to complete the vibe. Legendary fine china and tableware maker Wedgwood will also be showcasing their Butterfly Bloom Collection at Writers Bar, and guests can avail of the special discount should you wish to purchase these classic pieces. Experience afternoon tea with a French accent, with The Royal Afternoon Tea Series at Writers Bar inspired by Marie Antoinette. So let them eat cake...and raise a refreshing toast with tea to one of history's most colorful, notorious, extravagant and tragic icons at Writers Bar.

The Writers Bar is located at Raffles Hotel, 1 Raffles Drive, Makati Avenue, Makati or call Restaurant Reservations at 795-1840 or email for more information and reservations.

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