Sunday, January 27, 2019

Canned Goods: Pure Chocolate Indulgence with Choco-Liquor Cakes by Maricar

That distinctive chocolate swirl in a can. That's pure chocolate love at first bite... 

Ever since I first tried this decadent chocolate creation from Choco-Liquor Cakes by Maricar, it's been high up there on my list of chocolate favorites. One bite is all you need, and you'll be smitten almost immediately as the richness of indulgent chocolate just melts in your mouth and coats your palate followed by just a hint of liquor for a masterful combination like no other...

One bite, and I knew then this was special (see my earlier post from two years ago here at Pure Chocolate Indulgence: Choco Liquor Cakes by Maricar). It's chocolate with a naughty twist that just works. For actress, doctor and home baker Maricar Reyes-Poon, it was decided early on to create something fresh and different. From the gold tin can to the moist and rich velvety smooth chocolate, Choco-Liquor Cakes by Maricar definitely stands out.   

Form follows function. The gold tin actually serves a practical purpose in preserving the delicate and fragile creation, and it looks good too. From the time you receive the chilled tin all the way to the much anticipated moment when you open the lid becomes an experience in itself.

The fragrant aroma of nutty chocolate and floral hints of the liquor becomes a sensory experience as soon as you open the lid... your eyes follow the elegant pattern of dark chocolate swirls. Mesmerized, you just can't wait to dive right in. 

And just like my first bite from two years ago and many more since, it's pure chocolate love all over again. The deep notes of the premium chocolate drives your endorphins to an all-time high, tempered by the sharp hints of fruity red wine for that delicate yet indulgent balance. That's like falling in love. So go ahead and have another temptingly sinful slice and go with the flow...

For orders and inquiries, you can call 0917-864-8282 or check out Choco Liquor Cakes by Maricar's FB Page at

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