Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Quick Bites: A Nostalgic Taste of Spanish Manila by Pasteleria Mallorca Manila

If it ain't broke, why fix it? Pasteleria Mallorca Manila does exactly that with their specialty ensaimada made with a cherished heirloom family recipe. Old school still rules in this new normal. 

Pasteria Mallorca Manila brings a touch of old Spanish Manila to your table with their lavish fresh-baked and indulgent offerings like the traditional Ensaimada, the classic brioche topped with butter, sugar and cheese. Made with a family recipe dating back to the 1850s, Pasteleria Mallorca Manila recreates this popular Filipino staple without any revisions or adjustments to the original recipe. The soft and moist brioche and the richness of the various ingredients combine for an ensaimada experience like no other...

Unboxing the elegant package becomes a much anticipated experience when you order their Large Ensaimada (P 515). This box contains only one ensaimada, but it's more than enough for a family feast. 

Tall and nearly as wide as your plate, the Large Ensaimada by Pasteleria Mallorca Manila is an impressive sight. But it's the way that the ensaimada is made that makes it truly special. Eggs, pure butter, pork lard and ham fat are combined with flour for that moist and soft finish and topped with more butter, Edam "quezo de bola" and sprinkled with Victoria's sugar. The sharpness of the quezo de bola is tempered by the silky smooth finish of the butter and sweet sugar weaving layers of indulgence. Each bite brings a decadent mouthfeel to the palate, draping it with a luxurious richness. It's how ensaimadas used to be made back in the 1850s, and it still stands out from the usual more commercial variety.

Many of the offerings are made with the same old school rules, weaving both tradition and nostalgia with their heirloom recipes. Pasteleria Mallorca Manila's extensive menu takes you back triggering fond memories...

...with a selection of sweet and savory items fresh baked in their kitchen. 

Like all good things, it's best to call and reserve your orders early. 

Revived by Pilar Quiason Reyes-Gonzalez, the family matriarch brings back a taste of old Spanish Manila with her lavish ensaimada. Spanish governor generals, archbishops and European royalty from the colonial past have experienced this decadent specialty, and now you can too. Just give Pasteleria Mallorca Manila a call or send a quick message on their social media platforms to experience this indulgence from the past. In this age of the new normal and social media, Pasteleria Mallorca Manila keeps in step with the times with its timeless offerings. 

For more on Pasteleria Mallorca Manila and their lavish offerings, visit their Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/pasteleriamallorcainc/ or call Globe Viber at 0915 567 7455 and Smart 0929 771 4669 for orders. Pasteleria Mallorca Manila is located at 18 Scout Fuentabella Street, Quezon City.

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