Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nice to See You Again, Charlie's Grind & Grill!

After trying out a low-fat, low-salt and no-fun diet for two weeks, I had my blood tests done and decided enough of the oatmeal and go for some serious burger and fries. I'll worry about the cholesterol results later, but tonight is burger time. Big time.

And the nearest burger joint is Charlie's Grind and Grill along Ortigas Avenue toward Santolan. Black Angus Burger and thick country style that's what I'm talking about.

And to make things better, the burger patty held up this time. My previous experiences at Charlie's were mixed, the burger taste was great but the patty usually crumbled after a few bites. Not this time. I don't now what they did, but it still tastes great.

As usual, the place was packed. I was beside a nice couple enjoying their burgers. After some small talk, I later surprisingly discovered that they were the parents of an old high school batch mate of mine...yup, the world just keeps getting smaller. Only at Charlie's.

And to balance things out, a nice Ceasar's Salad, with some Parmesan and shrimps. Test results come out tomorrow, and hopefully, lower cholesterol levels. In the meantime, it's great to see Charlie's!

Charlie's Grind and Grill is located at the ground floor, RONAC Building, Ortigas Avenue.

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  1. Replies
    1. hi pinkc00kies, give it a try and let me know what you think...

  2. burger looks delish :-) Visiting from Food Trip Friday, hope that you can return the visit too.


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