Friday, February 24, 2012

Side Views: Multnomah Falls

Amazing sights on an early morning drive to Multnomah Falls from a road trip two years ago...

Driving eastbound on I-84, it's roughly a half hour drive from Portland.  It's an easy and comfortable drive, just set your GPS and you're on your way/ Said to be one of the highest falls in the US, Multnomah Falls consists of two spectacular drops, combining for a total height of more than 600 feet.

At the bottom of the falls is a large parking area, with steps leading to the falls.

As you get higher and closer to the falls, you can feel the cool mist from the falls, so bring a jacket.

You get spectacular views at almost every step, and this remains one of the most memorable sights from the road trip. Multnomah Falls is a definite must-see while in Portland.

Check out some good eats on the road trip at my previous post, just clink the link

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