Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's in the Pantry...Mountain Maid Strawberry Jam

A half empty jar of Mountain Maid Strawberry Jam, a few slices of Jipan bread, and a lot of butter...perfect.

Made by the nuns of Good Shepherd in Baguio, it's a definite must-buy when you visit the summer capital. With real chunks of strawberry, it's a great example of a local success story, earning the good nuns some fame, and giving back to the community.

The jam and butter are a perfect complement to the croissant-like texture of the bread, and with a good cup of coffee, it's another perfect weekend. (Check out the Dude's previous post on Jipan Loaf Bread at

Here's wishing everyone an awesome weekend!

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  1. That's good!!! I love the combination of butter + strawberry jam or peanut butter + jam on toasted bread! :)

    1. Hi pinkc00kies, though I have to cut down on my butter, but not today! Butter and strawberry jam on a good toast is a real winner! Thanks for dropping by!

  2. Nothing like simple jam & butter to fill up ones hunger.

    1. Hi Jen, yup, the simple pleasures sometimes are the best! Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Sweet... A toast to the nuns!

  4. i heard these strawberry jams are really good, although i haven't tried it myself.

    thanks for visiting my blog, and leaving a comment. hope to see you more around :)

    1. Hi KM, these jams are really good! Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Wow I really want a jam toast now - great pics and thanks for the delicious tip :D

    Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself

  6. I love this on my morning waffles or pancakes...Yum!

    1. I agree, nothing like fresh jam for breakfast! Thanks for visiting, Anna, Marie and Camille!


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