Thursday, June 28, 2012

Food News: Brand Degustation at TastEX 2012

Just how does a top corporate Brand taste? Josiah's Catering, one of the country's leading corporate caterers, flexes their culinary muscles and expertise in defining the taste of the most successful brands in the country. Drawing inspiration from their top corporate clients, Josiah's Catering presents a culinary showcase translating these top brands into savory delights.

In TastEX 2012, held last June 27 at The Blue Leaf Pavilion in McKinley Hill, Josiah's Catering presented these interpretations reflecting a wide range of tastes and flavors as diverse as their Client base.

The event was held at the Blue Leaf Pavilion. a popular venue for corporate events and an appropriate backdrop for the culinary treats.

To honor HSBC's status as the oldest and leading financial institution in Asia, Josiah's Catering presented the 5 Spice Braised Pork Belly in Wonton Cups with Peanuts and Chives.  Easy to prepare yet cost-efficient, big on flavor. In both taste and presentation, the dish is a real winner, consistent with HSBC's brand imagery.

Crispy Mac and Cheese with a rich marinara sauce, a contemporary and refreshingly modern twist to a traditional favorite, in sync with HP's cutting edge technology.

Sun Cellular's corporate mission to provide its customers with the best value is tastefully captured in Thai Seafood Stir-Fry in Crisp Rice Cakes and Bean Sprouts. A complete dish that also represents Sun Cellular's  comprehensive services.

Samsung, with its noble mission of strengthening connections across continents, is represented by its unique culinary heritage with Rice Cakes in Sweet Pepper Sauce and Kimchi Pancakes.

Goat Cheese and Mushroom Tart with Tomato Confit, an appropriate dish to represent Wyeth's commitment to excellence in nutritional products for children and infants.

JP Morgan Chase & Company, one of the largest investment banks in the world, is represented by the Mini US Tenderloin Steak Sandwich with Onion Jam and au jus, simple yet bold flavors associated with a leading financial institution.

Grilled Cilantro Chicken on Mini Whole Wheat Ciabatta with Vietnamese Dressing is Josiah's Catering's take on Johnson & Johnson's commitment to healthcare worldwide.

Note the plastic eye dropper containing flavored oils, very cool.

For the Philippine Association of Opthalmologists, we were served Butternut Squash Creme Brulee on Sugar-Free Carrot Torte. Using Squash and Carrots as main ingredients, consistent with the Association's mission of promoting eye care.

A protein-rich and energy boosting dish represents Lifestyle Asia's contemporary attitude with Red Beans and Shrimp Salad Cups  with Southwestern BBQ Dressing. Elegantly presented, consistent with Lifestyle Asia's upscale imagery.

The Berries Truffle, one of Josiah's Catering's signature desserts.

Fluor Daniel, a leading cargo and courier service, is represented by Mini Molten Lava Cakes with Vanila Sauce, a delicate yet cost-efficient dessert. The dish requires perfect timing to maintain the richness of the flavor, very apt for a cargo and courier company.

Open Face bacon and Egg Crostinis with Hollandaise Sauce, another trademark dish.

Chef Jasper Versoza, corporate chef, with his staff, Ria Flores (L) and Aya Kamekawa (R), on a well deserved break after the event.

TastEX 2012 was definitely a unique culinary event, and an innovative way to showcase the company's culinary range. Corporate events are now tasting a lot better...

Josiah's Catering can be reached at 934-2163 or you can check their website at 

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  1. I'm specially loving those mac and cheese bites but everything looks great I can imagine how hard it is to make everything mini

    1. Hi Beti, the mac and cheese was great! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What fabulous looking food. Those mac and cheese balls... outrageously good. :)

    1. Hi Ramona, lots of good eats! Thanks for dropping by!

  3. My mouth is watering--I need some of that sugar-free carrot cake, stat.

    1. Hi Cucina49, that was a really good, guilt-free treat! Great to hear from you!

  4. wow! so innovative! the burger with the flavored oil mini dropper was cool touch! did it taste great as it looked?

    1. Hey Yaj, pretty cool touch, and it was good too! Great to hear from you buddy!

  5. Hey, just stumbled upon your blog and everything looks amazing! I love dukbokki!!

    d a n i e l l e |

    1. Hi Danielle, the rice cakes were amazing! Thanks for visiting!

  6. wow, what great pictures. I'll one, no make that two, of each please. Oh who am I kidding, I would load up my plate, then go back for seconds, EVERYTHING looks fantastic!

    1. Hi Shari, seconds, and even thirds! Lots of good eats! Great to hear from you Shari!

  7. Gerry, this is a seriously awesome post. My mouth is literally watering from every photo and description. Actually, scrap that. Mouth-watering is an understatement. How about, slobbering? It's so elegant, but doesn't take the fun out of the hearty, wholesome classics that we love. Fried Mac & Cheese... Carrot Torte... Mini Steak Sandwich... Oh Lordy! I'll have one of each, thanks.

    1. Hey Winston, thanks! It's great to see a lot of classic dishes reinvented, good eats!

  8. Oh hey thanks for adding me to your blog roll! I just saw that, what a nice surprise. You're too kind, thanks for that. Hope you've got a great and food-filled weekend coming up! =)

  9. wow, look at all the food. Looks absolutely divine!

    1. Hi Jen, it was a great evening! Great to hear from you!

  10. What an interesting selection! Sounds like it was a culinary adventure.

    1. Hi All That I'm Eating, it was awesome! Always great to hear from you!


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