Monday, September 24, 2012

An All Seafood Lunch at Gerry's Grill

I met up with a group of old friends recently, and decided to have lunch at Gerry's Grill, just like the old days. But this time, we decided to have a healthier lunch, all seafood, no pork. And everything seemed to work out as planned. Almost.

The seafood selection at Gerry's Grill is quite extensive, and with so many choices, an all-seafood lunch can be a satisfying option. With much confidence and will power, we proceeded with our all-seafood lunch...

The Crispy Pla-Pla (Deep-Fried Tilapia, P 215), with a refreshing side of ensalada, consisting of eggplant, tomatoes, onions and bagoong (shrimp paste).

Crisp, and so full of flavor, and the presentation is pretty cool. Butterflied, then deep fried. Things were really looking good so far...

Tahong ala Pobre (mussels in spicy sauce with garlic, P 165), topped with crunchy fried garlic bits and a spicy sauce. An old favorite, great with garlic fried rice. Even better with a few beers.

The mussels were gone in a few minutes, and we had to go for another one. The heat from the spicy sauce builds up gradually, and a cold beer is just perfect.

This one's a winner, and a really good way to start a meal at Gerry's Grill.

The Grilled Blue Marlin Steak (P 355), thick-cut, tender and juicy. The soy marinade and the smoky grilled  taste enhance the delicate flavor of the fish.

A dipping sauce of vinegar and chili is provided, but the Blue Marlin is really good on its own.

The Grilled Tuna Belly (P 265/300g), marinated in sweet soy sauce that caramelizes when grilled, adding a rich layer of flavor.

And like the Blue Marlin, the marinade and the smoky grilled flavor blend so well, each juicy bite simply bursts with so much flavor.

Grilled Baby Squid (P 285), soft, tender and juicy. The caramelized marinade leaves a thin crust, adding a delicious texture to the dish.

If you enjoy squid, you'll love this dish, definitely a must-try.

Kilawin Puso ng Saging (Sauteed Banana Blossom, P 165), cooked in vinegar, capped our all-seafood lunch. Things were going well, until...

Ok, maybe not a hundred percent seafood. Just had to sneak in some pork. Blame it on the table beside us who ordered some crispy pork belly, and we couldn't help but order the same thing. Gerry's Grill's Lechon Kawali (P 235), crisp, deep-fried pork belly, another all-time favorite at Gerry's Grill.

We tried, but eventually succumbed to pork...a delicious failure at least.  Maybe next time...

The busy charcoal grill, where all the grilled specialties are prepared.

Meet Glen Magato, head chef and grill master of Gerry's Grill. Glen ensures you get a perfectly grilled dish all the time. If you suddenly feel like having an all-seafood lunch, check out Gerry's Grill. Good food, great value.

Gerry's Grill is located at #24 Eugenio Lopez Street corner Tomas Morato Street, South Triangle, Quezon City or call 415-9514 for details.

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  1. Replies
    1. Hi michymichymoo, we were attempting an all seafood lunch, but succumbed to Lechon Kawali...just had to have some pork. Thanks for stopping by, michymichymoo!

  2. AMAZING!!! And you guys must really have matured since being in high school for skipping on all the meat and going straight for seafood dishes only. But great decision, I must say. Grilled seafood really is something people (including myself) don't eat as often as we should. Very much underrated compared to grilled meats. Now you got me craving to eat something that swims and charred. Lol. Hope you guys had a lovely catchup together. Always great getting the mates together from time to time eh?

    1. Hi Winston, well, it was a gallant attempt but eventually failed in the end, we had to order some crispy pork belly after the table beside us got one...but the grilled seafood was awesome! Good times, good food. Great to hear from you buddy!

  3. Wow!!! that all looked so good, but the presentation totally blew me away. What a cool dining experience. Steve

    1. Hi Steve, it was a cool lunch, great to hear from you Steve!

  4. Yum! I finally went back to Phil after 7 years about a month ago and we did not miss a visit to Gerrys grill! Love the Blue Marlin Ribs. It was my favourite! I miss it now!

    1. hey Anna, hope you had a great time back home! And the Blue Marlin rocks! Great to hear from you Anna!


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