Saturday, March 26, 2016

An Early Start at Vitalis Villas

Breakfast and vacations go hand in hand, a leisurely, unhurried breakfast more often than not sets you on the right groove all the way 'till the end of the day. Good food, and a spectacular view of Sabangan Cove makes it even better...

At Vitalis Villas, a good start is assured with their range of breakfast dishes, best enjoyed overlooking the tranquil waters of Sabangan Cove...

The stillness of the early morning becomes an experience in itself, as the sun rises higher to reveal the pristine dove-white structures of Vitalis Villas and its countless infinity pools. It's the start of another awesome Vitalis Villas (for more on Vitalis Villas, see my post on my other travel blog here).

A cool ocean breeze moves in, as a distant mist settles over Vitalis Resort & Spa just right across Sabangan Cove, and it's the perfect time for some coffee...

A freshly brewed cup of coffee, sweetened with the local Balicucha, starts you off on the right groove...

A hearty bowl of light yet satisfying Vegetable Soup (L) warms you up, opening up your palate for the main breakfast dishes. You can also opt for a bowl of healthy Oatmeal (R) topped with green apple slices. With so many breakfast options, starting the day right at Vitalis Villas is easy.

After a coffee refill, Vitalis Villas' signature Waffles were served, thick, soft, and lightly crisp and chewy, drizzled with sweet Butterscotch and Honey. Each bite plays with contrasting textures, soft with a lightly crisp outer layer, as the comforting flavors of butterscotch and honey bursts in your mouth releasing its sweet notes.

Craving for some garlic rice to start your day? No worries, Vitalis Villas offers a variety of local breakfasts, including Vigan Longganisa with Eggs...

...or crispy Deep-Fried Fish with rice and eggs. A coffee refill completes your breakfast at Vitalis Villas, with a whole new day of adventure ahead. At Vitalis Villas, the North's newest summer lifestyle destination, it's all about good starts.

For more on Vitalis Villas, you can contact 0916-552-2794 or call Vitalis Resort and Spa at (077) 673-0037, (02) 806-5380 or 0917-580-0848 for inquiries. You can also contact the Manila Sales Office located at +632-373-3333 local 201 or email You can also visit their informative and helpful FB Page at for more updates. 

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