Thursday, March 3, 2016

One Place. One Time. The Bordeaux Rendez-vous at Txanton.

Eighteen wines. One place. One's the Bordeaux Rendez-vous at Txanton...

For the first time in the country, eighteen noted wine estates from Bordeaux, France came together for the Bordeaux Rendez-vous at Txanton in an epic celebration of French wine. Fine wine paired with Txanton's premium Jamon Iberico combined for an equally epic experience...

In one memorable day, representatives and owners of some of the finest French wineries converged at Txanton, showcasing eighteen labels including Beychevelle, Brane Cantenac, Cantemerle, Dassault, Domaine de Chevalier, Durfort-Vivens, D'Armailhac, Du Tertre, Giscours, Haut Bages Liberal, Clerc Milon, Guiraud, Issan, Lagrange, Lafon Rochet, Malartic Lagraviere, Pedesclaux, and Talbot last February 29, 2016 for Bordeaux Rendez-vous

Located along Chino Roces Avenue Extension in Makati, Txanton offers some of the world's finest wines including the best Spanish Jamon Serrano, Jamon Iberico, and Jamon Iberico de Bellota. The spacious interiors exude a sleek, modern, and contemporary vibe, with wood and glass showcasing their fine selection.

It's the ideal venue for a grand wine tasting event. A few hours before the event, Txanton's General Manager, Besay Gonzalez (L) inspects the set-up, ensuring everything is in its right place, as the different wines for the day's tasting session were uncorked.

Bordeaux is the famed wine-growing region of southwestern France, and home to the legendary wine-making estates. With over 8,500 wine producers or chateaux and more than 60 appellations, Bordeaux is known for its terroir driven wines that reflect the place they come from, each with its own unique notes. At the recently held Bordeaux Rendez-vous, one can experience the richness of the region's wine-making heritage in every sip, with the wide range of wine styles from the eighteen participating estates.

The owners and representatives of the different wineries were met by Txanton's General Manager, Besay Gonzalez, and a festive vibe began to resonate as glasses of wine were served...

A spot was allocated to each of the representatives and owners, allowing them to properly set-up and showcase their wine for the day's tasting. Among the representatives that day were Lucas Leclercq (L), representative of Chateau Lafon-Rochet; and Laure Bastard (R) of Chateau Giscours and Chateau Du Tertre.

David Ornon, representative of Chateau Guiraud, uncorked his perfectly chilled wine for Txanton's Besay Gonzalez to sample, and as more guests arrived, the Bordeaux Rendez-vous got into high gear...

Each chateau has its own distinct notes and flavors, and their own unique stories retold and reshared with a passion by the different representatives and owners.

It's rare to see and enjoy such an impressive selection of wine from Bordeaux's premier wine estates all in one place, and rarer still to chat with the representatives and even owners of the prestigious labels as you enjoy their wine.    

Jerome Heranval, representative of Chateau Durfort-Vivens, presents his wines to the invited guests from media, providing the unique stories for each wine.

The full range of Bordeaux's grapes were showcased that day, from deep, vibrant reds to sweet and dry whites, eighteen from the best of Bordeaux in a glass.

Each glass, each sip, takes you to the different chateaus of Bordeaux, with their own distinct notes.

Throughout the tasting sessions, guests immersed themselves in the unique stories of the different chateaus, adding to the appreciation of each label. Laure Bastard (L) of Chateau Giscours and Chateau Du Tertre and Laurence Brun (R) of Chateau Dassault, engaged guests with insightful details on their wines enriching the experience. 

A quick stop at another table takes you to another region of Bordeaux, as you literally travel the famed wine region with several glasses of wine. Txanton's kitchen prepared savory bites for the guests, including  fresh croissants with cured meat, along with Txanton's fine selection of premium Spanish Jamon...

...expertly carved by Txanton's Master Cortador, Gerson Rodriguez, at the Bordeaux Rendez-vous. Each paper-thin slice would would melt and coat your mouth with an indulgent richness, perfectly washed down with a glass of wine. Fine wine and the finest just doesn't get better than that.

Txanton offers the finest range of premium jamon, including the Jamon Serrano Gran Reserva Montenevado, Jamon Iberico Extremedura, Jamon Iberico Salamanca and Jamon Iberico de Bellota from Guijelo, Spain (for more on Txanton's fine jamon, see my previous post here on the Weekend Champagne Brunch at Alfred).

Txanton's Gerson Rodriguez and Chef Justo Rodrigo share a glass of wine with Karim Nasser, representative of Chateau Malartic-Lagraviere, as the festive mood continued. After several glasses, nothing like another round to get you in that cool Bordeaux groove...

The invited guests not only enjoyed the range of wines and Txanton's excellent jamon, they also got to know the different labels up close with Jean-Paul Bignon (L) owner of Chateau Talbot,  Augustine Lacaille (L), of Chateau d 'Issan, and  Laure Bastard (R) of Chateau Giscours and Chateau Du Tertre. 

And as more glasses of wine were served, Chateau Talbot's friendly owner Jean-Paul Bignon (L) and Henri Lurton (R), owner of Chateau Brane-Cantenac, entertained guests with even more stories about their wine and estates for a memorable Bordeaux Rendez-vous afternoon at Txanton.

Eighteen wines. One place. One time. The Bordeaux Rendez-vous at Txanton offered a rare opportunity to sample the best of Bordeaux in one afternoon, capped by the excellent Jamon from Txanton. These fine wines from Bordeaux are available at Txanton, drop by and enjoy a few glasses, along with some Jamon, and experience the best of Europe all in one Txanton.

Txanton is located at the Second Floor of Alegria Alta Building, Chino Roces Avenue Extension, Makati City or call 812-2040 for inquiries. You can also visit their Facebook Page here at

For more on Bordeaux Rendez-vous, check out their Facebook Page here at

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