Friday, April 1, 2022

Cooking Mastery with a Simpol Twist: Premium Irish Beef Goes Live at an On-Line Bord Bia Masterclass with Chef Tatung Sarthou

It was a good day to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, then again, any day with Irish Beef is worth celebrating...

The Irish Government Food Board, Bord Bia, recently held an online masterclass showcasing the versatility and quality of natural, grass-fed premium Irish beef hosted by Issa Litton and award-winning cookbook author, restaurateur, online and TV personality Chef Myke Tatung Sarthou last March 17 for the media and selected professional chefs. The unique online Chef Masterclass by Bord Bia with co-funding from the European Union demonstrated how world-class Irish beef can transform your favorite local dishes for a memorable dining experience at home (for more on Bord Bia, see my previous posts, Let's Talk Irish Beef...At The Bord Bia Dinner in Discovery Primea's Flame on premium Irish Beef, The Chef's Choice: Bord Bia Brings World Class Quality Irish Pork and Beef to the Philippines and to Your Plate featuring Irish Pork and A Taste of Ireland in a Box by Bord Bia). And there's just no better way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

The online Chef Masterclass is just one of many in a series of events by Bord Bia, with the Philippines identified as a key market for Irish beef and pork. "We are very pleased with this year's Chef Masterclass which is the latest activity under our European Pork and Beef campaign in the Philippines," shared Bord Bia Market Specialist Jack Hogan. The online Chef Masterclass clearly highlighted how easy it is create comforting meals with Irish pork and beef making the difference for a satisfying meal to remember.

"This activity, working with renowned and respected Chef Tatung, demonstrates the compatibility and versatility of our high quality meat to Philippine cuisine," explained Jack Hogan. "Ireland's trading relationship with the Philippines can be traced back many decades ago. In fact, Ireland is one of the largest suppliers of beef to the Philippines. We have developed a strong, long-lasting relationship with our local partners and are fully focused on growing our exports of quality meat to the market. The Philippines is Ireland's number one destination for our beef exports outside Europe as our pork exports to the Philippines grew by 60% last year, making it an increasingly important market. We look forward to continued growth and providing opportunities for the public to try our quality meat from Ireland," added Jack Hogan.  

For this year's edition of the online Chef Masterclass, Bord Bia tapped Chef Tatung Sarthou known for his groundbreaking "Simpol" online cooking series and popular cookbooks (for more on Chef Tatung Sarthou and his Simpol series, see my earlier posts, Keeping it Simple: Chef Myke "Tatung" Sarthou Launches Simpol The Cookbook at Pandan Asian Cafe and The Secret's Out: Simpol Kitchen Secrets by Chef Tatung Sarthou). Chef Tatung's cookbooks have been recognized by the prestigious Gourmand World Cookbook Awards for Philippine Cookery: From Heart to Platter (2017) and Simpol: The Cookbook (2021). Cooking at home shouldn't be complicated, and Chef Tatung makes it fun with his easy to follow recipes. Joining Chef Tatung is noted celebrity host Issa Litton for a fun and engaging online experience.

The online Chef Masterclass not only presented easy recipes, it also demonstrated the versatility of Irish beef and pork in a variety of dishes as well as its compatibility with any cuisine including your favorite Filipino recipes. 

For the online Chef Masterclass, Chef Tatung demonstrated two easy recipes using European beef from Ireland with Herb Crusted Striploin Steak as a savory appetizer carved into strips for sharing and Beef Short Ribs Piyanggang, a local regional curry dish with burnt coconut for the main course. Prior to the online Chef Masterclass, guests to the exclusive online event received packages containing all the ingredients to prepare Chef Tatung's dishes to be replicated at home. 

Quality ingredients makes all the differences for a flavorful dish. The unique online Chef Masterclass allowed guests to the exclusive event the opportunity to experience first hand the quality and flavor of world-class Irish beef. 

In 2019, the European Union selected Ireland to implement a co-funded campaign promoting European Beef and Pork in the Philippines. The largest net exporter of beef in the European Union, Ireland exports exceptional and premium beef and pork around the world with dedicated producers fully invested and committed to producing the highest quality food in harmony with nature, and that means safe, sustainable, traceable and flavorful beef and pork on your plate. It's no wonder that Irish beef and pork is endorsed and recommended by over 90 Michelin-starred chefs from around the world for its tenderness and rich, clean flavors. 

With a population of just 5 million people, the Emerald Isle produces enough food to feed 40 million. Following the strict and mandatory health and safety protocols and stringent EU guidelines, one is always assured of beef and pork with the highest quality.   

European beef from Ireland is currently available at several high-end restaurants and hotels in Metro Manila. And gaining access to quality Irish beef and pork is now much easier with availability in premium stores and supermarkets such as Landers. Bord Bia continues to work in partnership with Filipino traders and importers to help deliver high quality meat products to the local market. For homemakers, preparing memorable meals using Irish beef and pork is now much easier with wider accessibility and availability.

Each pack delivered by Bord Bia included Irish Beef Striploin and Beef Short Ribs along with other ingredients to replicate Chef Tatung's recipes. And you too can prepare the simple dishes at home. Ready to start cooking? Here's the recipes from Chef Tatung Sarthou:

Beef Short Ribs Piyanggang (Blackened Beef on Coconut Curry)


Set A (Boil)

1 kg Beef Short Ribs, Bone-In

11-1.5 Liter Beef Stock

4 tbsp (s) Salt

1 tbsp Whole Pepper

1 pc Garlic

1 pc Onion

Set B (Blend then Sauté)

1 pc Coconut, Burnt

4 Cloves Garlic

1 pc Onion

4 pcs Thumb-Sized Ginger

2 Stalks Lemongrass

5 pcs Red Chilies

2 Cups Coconut Milk

Set C (Garnish)

1 pc Tomato, Medium

1/2 pc Cucumber, Medium

1 pc Onion, Medium

1 pc Eggplant, Medium

1 pc Green Mango, Medium


1. Boil Set A ingredients until tender.

2. Burn the coconut with shell until the meat insde is charred black. Let it cool.

3. Blend Set B Ingredients with the burnt coconut.

4. In the Sauté Pan, add oil and and pour over the blended ingredients. Sauté with short ribs until cooked and the oil from the coconut has rendered.

5. Garnish with Set C ingredients. 

Herb-Crusted Striploin Steak


Set A (Marinate)

1 tsp Thyme

1 tsp Rosemary

1 tbsp Paprika

1 tsp Oregano

2 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce

1 tbsp Salt

1 tbsp Pepper

1 kg Striploin Beef

Olive Oil for searing

Set B (Eggplant Salad)

2 pcs Eggplant, Medium

2 pcs Tomatoes, Medium

1 pc White Onion, Medium

4 tbsps Vinegar

1 tbsp Sugar

1` tsp Salt

½ tsp Black Pepper


1, Marinate the striploin with Set A ingredients for around 10 minutes.

2. In the grill pan, add olive oil and sear the striploin for 3 minutes, both sides.

3. Add the garlic, butter and sear again.

4. Peel the eggplant and boil wth salt until soft.

5. After boiling, ice bath the eggplant then mash.

6. Add the rest of the ingredients and toss.

7. Serve with Striploin Steak.

Chef Tatung, in his casual and engaging style, makes it easy for you to replicate these dishes at home. And you'll soon find out just how big a difference in flavor world-class Irish beef and pork makes in simple everyday meals even with comfortingly familiar local dishes.

Streamed live via Zoom last March 17, celebrating St. Patrick's Day becomes even more special with Irish beef and pork. Then again, any day is transformed and elevated with the quality meats from the Emerald Isle. And you'll be surprised just how easy it is to prepare a memorable meal at home with Irish beef and pork. 

For more on Bord Bia, visit the website at and social media at and for updates.

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