Monday, November 21, 2011

What's in the Fridge...Arugula and more Crab Sticks

As the holiday season approaches, I will make a conscious effort to eat a more balanced diet, or at least try, to compensate for the anticipated eatfest in the coming weeks. After the first "What's in the Fridge" post last 17 November (see post here ), I decided to have another go at a fridge salad. Here's more "What's in the Fridge..."

Today, the fridge yielded some arugula and mixed greens, tomatoes, white onions, a salted red egg, and more of those crab sticks...

A simple balsalmic and olive oil dressing and it's good to go. Yup, my doctor's really gonna love me now...

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  1. Considering it's a 'what's in the fridge' dish, I'd call that a brilliant meal!

  2. Looks simple but really delicious. Nice!

  3. Hi Mary, and healthy too! Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Simple, delish and healthy. I really enjoy putting crab sticks on my salad too. Thanks for posting, have a good one! =]

  5. That's a good-looking salad...I am also trying to do better with using what's in the fridge.

  6. Hello Cucina49, thanks for visiting!

  7. The crab sticks are so great to keep around. It's fun to see that both your fridge raids led to salad. You must eat fairly healthy. That looks like a gread salad to add to any meal, too.

  8. Greetings From Southern California

    Thanks for the holiday tips :-)

    Thanks for your recent visit to My Blog

    Take care and have a nice day :-)

  9. @ Camille - Hello Camille, I should really be eating more salads to compensate for the other stuff I eat specially with the coming holiday season. And yeah, the crab sticks are always handy. Thanks for visiting, Camille!

    @ Ron - Hi Ron, thanks too for visiting! Have a great day!

  10. I love healthy fixes like these too! Awesome!:)
    This is superb; you should keep some sweet corn, cherry tomatoes, carrots, and raisins, make some tasty snacks too ;)

  11. Hello Christy, sounds like a great suggestion! Will stock up on some carrots, cherry tomatoes and raisins for the next fridge raid. Thanks for visiting, Christy!

  12. Hi how u doing?
    I am huge fan of crab sticks since I had discovered them in france. They recently brought them to austria, unluckily India isnt importing or producing them yet.
    They are the bst in salad as u did with some simple dressing. they got lots of flavoure.

  13. Hello Helene, yup these crab sticks are amazing, and great for salads! Great to hear from you. Helene!

  14. This looks great and healthy. What more could you want?

  15. Hi All That I'm Eating, yeah, I need to really balance my diet with more salads. Thanks for dropping by!

  16. I'm often in the mood for a good salad. Love the addition of crab sticks!

  17. We have lots of arugola here in Rome but not crab sticks, both my husband and daughter love them. Beautiful salad.

  18. Hello Francesca, thanks! Great to hear from you!


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