Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Eye Candy at Bizu

Remember those times as a kid when entering a candy store? I always get that feeling everytime I enter Bizu. Time for a Blueberry Cheesecake and Cappuccino. 

Rich, creamy indulgence. The Blueberry Chiboust (P 185++), a creamy cheesecake topped with blueberries on a special shortbread crust. The strip of white chocolate on top adds a nice touch.

Yup, it took me a full ten minutes before eating the cheesecake, just admiring the way it sat on the plate...most if not all of Bizu's selections have that effect on you.

Pair it with a Cappuccino (P 105 ++), and all's good.

Just one more look...

Then go for it...

And more eye candy. Trying so hard not to lick the the front of the chiller...

This calls for more visits to try the other treats...

Bizu is an awesome place for your sugar fix. The staff are always friendly, and the branches are casual and homey, and the desserts are simply awesome. Pricier than the usual, but you get what you pay for, excellent desserts.

Bizu is located at the Ground Level, Corte Delas Palmas, Alabang Town Center or call 809-2498 for inquiries or details on their other branches.

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  1. All of these treats from Bizu are stunning… I'm sure I would spend a lot of time admiring their presentation, too. I love the one with the rose top!

    1. Hi Nicole, almost too pretty to eat, a visual treat for the eyes! Great to hear from you, Nicole!

  2. Oh gosh..what great looking desserts! Very very tempting!

    1. Hello What's Baking! Yeah, they look and taste amazing! Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Can I have some please!? I am drooling here. =P

    1. Hi Helene, I remember I had to control myself from licking the chiller, they just look so good! Thanks, Helene!

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Beryll Kaye, their blueberry cheesecake is awesome! Thanks for dropping by!

  5. It's 12:34 in the morning while I am reading your blog post dude, and it steeled my resolve to visit Bizu ASAP. Good thing they also have a branch at Greenhills, a stone's throw away from my place, otherwise i'll be crying depressive tears! Love your post!

    1. hey Yedy, thanks! Once you see Bizu's display, it's really hard to practice self-control. Hope you have a great time at their Greenhills branch!

  6. WOW! I would devour each and every one, you have zoomed in on my weakness lol Drool!!! Thanks for sharing and your photos are gorgeous. =]

    1. hey Free Spirit Eater, great to hear from you! And thanks for dropping by!

  7. Wow.. those are really beautiful confections!! I would want to try one of each! :)

    1. Hi Ramona, I'm very sure you'd enjoy these confections as much as I did! Thanks, Ramona!

  8. I just finished my dinner and I would like something sweet. I would take any of the desserts you photographed, I really like the blueberry chesscake :-) Can I have one???

    1. Hi Anita, I'll try to save one for you! Thanks for dropping by!

  9. hey wRey and R0bbY, Yup, I had to stop myself from licking the glass of the chiller at Bizu! Thanks for dropping by, visiting your site now...


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