Monday, January 9, 2012

What's in the Pantry...The Pumped Up Tuna Sandwich

Found a can of tuna in the pantry, and thought maybe a pumped up tuna sandwich might be a good idea. Cool. Gather up some parsley, dill, celery and red onions. Add some mayo and mustard using a 3:1 mix for the mayo mustard dressing. A tablespoon of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, and a squeeze of lemon for a little zing.

Then toast some of The French Baker's Honey Wheat bread, and things are looking up.  Add some lettuce and tomatoes...and enjoy.

You can find The French Baker inside Unimart, Greenhills, or call 721-1729 for their other branches.

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There are grocery coupons for gourmet and basic ingredients to make the best tuna sandwiches ever.


  1. Tuna sandwiches have been my favorite since last year, when I finally tried one for the first time. I loved it, and I would definitely love this!

  2. Hi Nicole, yup, comfort food at its simplest. Great to hear from you, Nicole!

  3. Sounds like a fantastic tuna sandwich. YUM! I love tuna recipes. Love the photos!! Well done!

  4. Your tuna sandwich looks amazing. Hmmm, quick, easy and delicius food. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Nice presentation! I am getting a crave for tuna sandwich right now.

  6. i love your healthy sandwich. great photos, too!

    1. Hi Luna, thanks! And thanks too for dropping in!

  7. Perfect, it doesn't even invite much cholesterol, perfectly healthy visiting from FTF> here's mine thanks Sahm’s Dining Diary

    1. Hi Anne, healthy and tasty too, nice way to balance my burger diet :) Thanks for visiting!

  8. wow, looks so awesome...thanks for sharing on how to do it, i will try it soon! my husband love sandwiches like this! btw, i love how you present it and i have the feeling that your kitchen looks really nice, and those wines...just lovely to see! :) visiting from FTF, see you around. thanks and have a great week. :)

    1. Hi cHeErFuL, thanks! Have a great week ahead and thanks for visiting!

  9. Ohh-la-la!!I could almost taste the sandwich and the presentation,perfect!!I love your food photos,I bet you're a pro!^_^

    Hello Food Dude!Forgive my very late visit,been busy lately...and thanks for dropping by!

    1. Hello Clarissa, thanks! Not a pro, just an amateur who loves to shoot and eat. Thanks for visiting!

  10. Congratulations! We wanted to inform you that this post has been selected as a Featured Archive Post on our site for the first two weeks of June 2013.


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