Monday, January 16, 2012

Goodies n' Sweets: Good Things Come in Small Packages

Ever thought of having your favorite cake made just for you? A single serving just for you. Very cool.  Head over to Goodies n' Sweets and pick your favorite cake, available in smaller individual sizes, your own personal cake. If you have more than one favorite, now you don't have to get one regular sized cake, you can get three or four of your favorite selections in miniature cakes. Here are some of the Dude's favorites...

The classic Decadence. Rich, moist, pure chocolate indulgence.

Pour some caramel...

and enjoy.

The Toblerone Cake. If you like the candy, you'll definitely love this.

Check out the Toblerone on top and the shavings...nice.

The Ube Cake (Purple Yam). Yup, you can have your cake and eat it too.

Goodies N' Sweets is located at 108 Carpark Building, Greenhills Shopping Center, San Juan, Metro Manila or call 722-8740 for inquiries or details on their other branches.

Dude for Foos now on Facebook, check out the FB Page for regular updates on good eats. Better yet, click "Like" and enjoy the ride...just look for the FB "Like" widget on the right sidebar.


  1. These cakes look so good! I'd go for the chocolate myself. But am very intrigued by purple yam cake as well.

    1. Hi Kelly, the little cakes were really good, wiped out the box of 4 pretty quick! Thanks for dropping by, Kelly!

  2. I've always dreamed of having my own little cake, to eat for myself!! This is a dream come true… and the decadent cake with the caramel on top? That one's all mine.

    1. Hi Nicole, the little cakes are pretty cool. Great to hear from you, Nicole!

  3. looks delice. I d love some cake now with my tea... =)

  4. Replies
    1. Hi pinkc00kies, just follow your craving! Thanks for dropping by!


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