Monday, October 1, 2012

Dessert du Jour's Gateau de Crepes

Everyone seemed to gravitate towards this large pink box on the table, something was definitely up. Curious, I had to join in and check it out as well...

Sundays at my Aunt's place always means good food. And this particular Sunday was no different.

The intriguing pink box says it all...

Dessert du Jour by Mara de la Rama's Gateau de Crepes, an indulgent crepe cake like no other. Soft, rich and creamy, a great dessert to cap an afternoon meal.

The Gateau de Crepes is a simple yet intricate dessert of rich vanilla cream between layers of paper-thin French Crepes, delicately stacked. The heavy vanilla cream holds the light crepe construction together, combining for indulgent textures and flavors. Deceptively simple, yet one of the best cakes I've ever tried.

Not too sweet, perfect with a good cup of coffee. Cool. Another awesome Sunday at my Aunt's place.

To order any of Dessert du Jour's awesome cakes and desserts, simply call 806-9511 or 0917-811-6272. Check out Dessert du Jour's FB page for details.

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  1. What a yummy way to start the month!

    1. Hi Marie, thanks! The "ber" months are here, and that means more good eats! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Wow, this crepes cake looks so delicious!

    1. Hi Marina, it was great, definitely a must-try! Great to hear from you Marina!

  3. This is new to me. I love crepes and since this is a crepe cake this must be awesome! I thought it is baklava because of the thin crust. ^_^


    1. Hi kim, it was awesome, a really cool discovery! Almost like a baklava, but thin crepes are layered with vanilla cream instead of filo pastry. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. oh my, this would make me linger at the table by the pink box.:p
    great with coffee.

    1. Hi Luna, perfect with a good cup of coffee! Thanks for dropping by!

  5. i will be curious too with that pink box...and with the way you described it, i like to have a slice please, hahaha! :) anyway, i love crepes and cakes but put them together will be gorgeous! :) visiting from FTF, see you around. happy weekend...

    1. Hi cHeErFuL, if you enjoy crepes, you'll definitely like this crepe cake, really good! Thanks for stopping by!


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