Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Steak, Ribs and A Burger at Bulgogi Brothers

Looking for steak and ribs grilled right at your table? Check out Bulgogi Brothers...

After sampling some of Bulgogi Brothers' signature dishes at the Subic Freeport (check out my previous post here at http://dude4food.blogspot.com/2012/10/food-news-bulgogi-brothers-opens-in.html), I decided to come back and try the steak and ribs at the Greenbelt 5 branch. The warm welcome, courteous and efficient service and clean interiors are consistent in both branches, which is comforting. 

Bulgogi Brothers offers two dining areas, the main dining area inside and the more casual area on the exterior sides, effectively maximizing the space to accommodate more diners.

The interiors have a modern and contemporary look yet there is a warm and cozy feel that immediately makes you feel at home.

Appetizer plates of sweet corn, sweet potatoes and quail eggs arrive...

...along with a refreshing salad with sweet vinaigrette...

...and traditional Banchan appetizers of pickled vegetables and the popular kimchi.

The Tea of the Day is a refreshing Cassia Seed Tea (Kyul myungja cha).

After a few minutes, the first order arrives. Sogogi Naengchae (P 350+), tender and thin strips of seasoned beef on fresh vegetables with sweet Asian-style dressing. 

Kkotdeungsim Gui (P 995 per piece of 200 g), tender, juicy and well-marbled premium steak with onions, garlic and sweet potatoes. The steak is presented at the table before grilling, a nice touch. Once you give them a nod, the steak is prepared for grilling.

Jana, our server, preparing the table top grill for the steak. No oil is used for the steak, and the steak is perfectly grilled with its own juices and marinade.

The sight, sound and aroma of a steak being grilled right on your table is pretty awesome, and Bulgogi Brothers does this quite well.

It only takes a few minutes and the steak is flipped over once...

...and then sliced into tender bite-sized pieces. All this is done pretty quick, right in front of you. The steak is tender, and the marinade does not overpower the beef flavor. The tender, juicy steak still comes out in terms of flavor. And unlike other establishments, the smoke from the grill is well controlled. In fact, the whole place isn't smoky at all, even when packed.

Next up, Yang Neum Galbi (P 730 per 300 g), tender beef spare ribs in soy marinade, ready for grilling.

Freshly grilled, the meat is soft and tender, perfectly complemented with grilled onions and sweet potatoes.

Bulgogi Bibimbap (P 395), loaded with thin strips of beef and vegetables topped with an egg. Pour in some hot sauce and mix it all up. Great as is, even better with some steak and ribs.

Previously, I remember enjoying the Unyang-style beef patties at the Subic branch, and I was curious about the burger. The Bulgogi Burger (P 295), juicy Unyang-style beef patties with lettuce, cheese, red and green bell peppers and a side of fries. If you enjoyed the Unyang-style bulgogi, you'll enjoy this burger. With a distinct sweet marinade nicely complemented by the sweet red and green bell peppers, the Bulgogi Burger is refreshingly different.

Great food and service, great to come back to again and again...

Bulgogi Brothers is located at Space 3-036, Greenbelt 5, Makati City or call 621-6216 for inquiries.

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  1. Absolutely SMASHING! I love Korean BBQ, especially when they use high quality meat like these. It's really one of my favourite cuisines. Bulgogi Brother sounds amazing and now you've got me craving for some Korean BBQ fix soon =)

    1. hey Winston, cool place for a Korean BBQ fix! Great to hear from you bud!

  2. You eat at the best spots... lucky guy!!

    1. Hi Ramona, thanks! Great to hear from you Ramona!

  3. I better try this place soon then!

    1. hey Kathy, great to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Oh I really love to eat at Bulgogi! I promise to try this restaurant again! :)


  5. That really looks like a good chunk of steak! Grilled few minutes on each side is the best, love it this way :-)

    1. Hi iska, really awesome chunk of steak, perfectly grilled! Great to hear from you iska!

  6. the steak looks perfect! i've passed by this restaurant a couple of times at G5...now i have the reason to check to them out.:p

    1. Hi Luna, the steak's good, you should give it a try! Thanks for stopping by!


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