Friday, October 12, 2012

Greeka Kouzina: A Taste of Greece in San Juan

I recently got a tip from my cuz about this new new place serving Greek cuisine, and the awesome Lamb Roast. Mention roast lamb and I'm there...

Opened less than a month ago, it's nice to know that there is another establishment offering Greek cuisine. Parking was full, usually a good sign. After reviewing the menu, I go for the Arni Lemonato (P 490+), Greeka Kouzina's Lamb Roast. Since I was alone, the waitress did mention that the order was good for 2-3 persons, and after giving it some thought, decided to go for it anyway.

The order comes with a side dish, and Greeka Kouzina offers more than 15 different sides ranging from roasted potatoes, pasta, salads, couscous, and stuffed vegetables. I go for the Salata Horiatiki, a basic Greek Salad. I figured a light side dish would be a good option with the Roast Lamb.

The salad is a refreshing medley of three kinds of tomatoes, including cherry and heirloom tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, sweet green and yellow peppers topped with generous chunks of rich and creamy feta cheese, olive oil and a hint of lemon. The freshness of the vegetables added crispness to the dish, the sharp feta and the subtle nutty notes of the olive oil combined perfectly for rich flavors and textures. Definitely a good starter before the main dish...

Greeka Kouzina's Roast Lamb, served with Greek roasted potatoes, two sauces (Lemon Mint and a thick brown gravy), and a wedge of lemon. Slow roasted for five hours, the meat really falls of the bone, and I simply used my fork most of the time. The long cooking process results in a crisp outer layer and a tender, juicy and soft inner portion giving it a butterlike feel. Awesome.

Richly spiced with herbs, you don't get the gamey flavor usually associated with lamb, but a delicate yet rich buttery flavor. Squeezing some lemon adds a sharpness to the dish and really enhances the meat's flavor, and both the Lemon Mint and brown gravy work well with the lamb roast.

I was told that the Roast Lamb uses the neck part, an uncommon cut of lamb I've never tried before. But this dish has the perfect combination of fat, tender meat and marrow that adds an unbelievable richness to the dish. This is a definitely a winner in my list...

The interiors at Greeka Kouzina has a subtle elegance yet rustic, casual and warm, a cool place to chill with friends or family. The look is playful and contemporary, a perfect backdrop to any meal.

A second floor dining area is also available for larger groups. Overall, courteous service and a calming ambience complete one's experience at Greeka Kouzina.

Meet the young team behind Greeka Kouzina, Kacy Chua (R), Executive Chef Allan Chan (black shirt) and Tracy Tan (R), and you can expect to hear more good things from this group of young entrepreneurs. Oh, and I somehow managed to finish both the Roast Lamb and's that good. Good food, great place, definitely worth checking out. 

Greeka Kouzina is located at 285 P. Guevarra Street, San Juan or call 624-5974 for inquiries. You can also visit for more details.

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  1. Great discovery! I miss Mediterranean food! Will give this a visit soon. :)

    1. Hi michymichymoo, really cool place, and great food too! Great to hear from you!

  2. A new find! Wow will try this! It was nice to finally meet you last night :)

    1. Hi Berylle, cool new place, and if you enjoy Greek food, this is the best place in San Juan. Great to finally meet you too, see you in the next food trip!

  3. Replies
    1. hi pinkc00kies, real good food, great to hear from you!

  4. The Lamb Roast looks really good! Will visit this place the next time I'm around San Juan. Cheers!

    1. Hey Drunken Pig, the Lamb Roast rocks! Great to hear from you, cheers bud!

  5. hi dude! Im a stone's throw away and yet I haven't seen nor heard about this place. Thanks for sharing!!! This is definitely a place to check out!

    1. hey Jay, you should definitely check this out! Good eats! Great to hear from you Jay!

  6. we were in your restaurant last night, we enjoyed your food. we were hesitant at first because we heard the chef or the owner wasn't greek but we were curious, especially my greek friend who went with us. all the time we were asking him how's the food.. and he said, it's close to the real thing!!

    job well done to you guys, and we hope u maintain the taste and quality :)

    1. Hi Rocelle, glad you enjoyed it! Like you, I'm a satisfied customer too, and I will pass on your positive feedback to Greeka Kouzina next time I visit. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. oh my... i'm sorry that my comment seemed like i was talking to the greeka kouzina people haha...but yes, do tell them that a pure greek guy liked the way they made the dishes..and he also told me the restaurant respected the greek cuisine :)

    1. Hi Rocelle, no worries, great to hear your Greek friend enjoyed it too, a good sign of Greeka Kouzina's authenticity. I liked what he said about Greeka Kouzina respecting Greek cuisine, awesome! Thanks for stopping by Rocelle!

  8. Lamb...

    Worth the wait.

    Food's great...

    But, but, but...

    They didn't issue a receipt.

    1. hi baycas, definitely worth the wait! Sorry to hear about the receipt, I guess things will normalize soon since they just opened. Thanks for stopping by!


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