Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Liebster Blog Award...Awesome!

This is definitely a season for thanksgiving. Ever since I started blogging early this year, I never knew that I would meet such an awesome and supportive community that continues to inspire me to keep blogging. And since I can't really cook much less bake, except maybe scrambled eggs since everything I do turns scrambled, I am continuously inspired by the amazing creations shared by the community. This morning, I was surprised and elated to receive the Liebster Blog Award from Ramona of Curry and Comfort (see Ramona's awesome blog at, and well, what an amazing way to start the day! Thank you, Ramona, for the support and recognition, and for being such an awesome friend! Yeah, I know, I mentioned "awesome" three times already.

The Liebster Blog Award comes from the German word meaning "dearest" or "beloved" and is given by fellow bloggers to new blogs with 200 or less followers, with the aim of encouraging new connections. And there are interesting rules to follow:

1.  Show your thanks and appreciation to the blogger who gave you the award with a link back to their blog. And I have to say it again, Ramona, you are awesome!

2.  Copy and paste the award on your blog.

3. Share the love by picking 5 other blogs with 200 or less followers that deserve the support and recognition, and let them know by leaving a comment in their blog.

4.  Keep the love and good karma going...and have fun!

I will start spreading the love by sharing this award with five special blogger friends who deserve the same recognition and support:
  • Bake Me Blush: An amazing blog by a young baker and true artist in the kitchen with awesome photography. See Nicole's beautiful baked creations at
  • Fire and Food: Nothing more natural and tasty as grilling food on real wood. See more of firefoodie's awesome cooking at
  • All That I'm Eating: See the best local, seasonal quality ingredients and recipes in a well-written blog at
  • Masala Herb: Exotic food and other culinary creations frome Helene, an Austian/French woman living in Goa, India. See more of Helene's amazing culinary adventures at
  • Hungry Ducky: Fun blog featuring great restaurant reviews as well as excellent recipes. See more of Ducky's adventures at
Again, thank you Ramona! The Dude thanks everyone for following and supporting Dude For Food, and looks forward to learning more great eats from all of you!  Yeah, it's an awesome day...


  1. Thank you so much for the award and for the kind words… I'm honored that you chose me and I think you just made my day!

  2. You are most welcome, Nicole! Have an awesome day!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed the award. :) I enjoy coming and reading all your posts. I didn't even have all the rules for the award... I hope I followed them too. :) Keep posting and eating all that fabulous food you take pictures of... All the best! Ramona

  4. hey Ramona, thanks! You are awesome!

  5. THANK YOU!!! =D
    Thats so awesome, hehe.
    I love to play games!
    I very much agree, the foodie community are wonderful people, always ready to help and to support one. I met so many great peronalities over the past few months too. Going to post tomorrow my nominees. =)

  6. Awww, thank you! I didn't know about the award... You deserve one, too :) Dude, you're awesome!! xD

  7. Wow food dude, I am really chuffed and totally honoured. Love your blog and looking forward to more. Been off the blog radar lately, preparing for a trip to Australia... work work work to keep ahead while we are away. Thanks again. Anthony.

  8. hey firefoodie, great to hear from you! Hope you have a great time in Australia! All the best, Anthony!


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