Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What's in the Fridge...Suman

As the holiday season approaches, traditional treats start appearing everywhere, including the fridge. Suman, a sweet, sticky roll made from glutinous rice and wrapped in banana leaves  is one such treat. Prepared and cooked with coconut milk and sugar, the rolls are then wrapped and steamed. 

Great with some Queso de Bola cheese and hot chocolate for breakfast or mid-afternoon snacks. Though it's available year round, nothing quite like enjoying this treat during the holidays. Bring on the holidays!

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  1. Well, you've introduced me to something new. Very interesting treat. :) I'm not sure you heard, but you have an award at my blog dated back on 11-22 (cranberry chutney post). Hope you saw it and liked it. :)

  2. Hey Ramona, thank you so much for the award, awesome! I am so honored and grateful! Thanks for stopping by, Ramona!

  3. Suman is new to me, but it looks fabulous… I'm a lover of all things rice, plus sweets are my life, so I think it's safe to say I'd love this...

  4. Hey Nicole, I think you'll like this!

  5. Yum..I love basically everything wrapped in banana leaves!

  6. I love suman.. dipped in sugar or the one with sauce (suman sa lihiya) :D the flavored ones in the mall are good too! try frying it in butter.. sinful but awesome


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