Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tikoy in the Year of the Water Dragon

Nothing like Tikoy to welcome the Chinese New Year. Though it's available throughout the year, Tikoy (or Nian Gao), a sweet, sticky rice cake made from glutinous rice, seems to be a lot better and special during the Chinese New Year.

Simply slice the sticky rice cake into thin strips, dip in egg, and fry in a little butter. The slightly crisp outer layers contrast nicely with the soft and chewy middle portion.

Sweet, and very filling, best with some hot tea.

Here's to the year of the Water Dragon.

For Tikoy and other traditional Chinese treats, visit DEC'S Chinese Deli at Wilson Street in Greenhills.

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  1. Happy Lunar New Year!! Here's toasting the Year of the Dragon. Tikoy looks like a great dish to celebrate with.. hope are having fun celebrating.

    1. Hi Ramona, here's to the year of the Dragon! Thanks for dropping by!

  2. Happy Cninese New Year! I have never seen a dish quite like this, but I am committed to finding all I can about different cuisines. The picture does look like a delicious way to celebrate!

    1. Hello Tina, the Chinese New Year just isn't complete without this. Happy new year Tina, great to hear from you!

  3. Tikoy looks really tasty - it's a shame I've never seen it before now! I would have loved to spend Chinese New Year in the company of this dish...

    1. Hi Nicole, it's the perfect sweet treat to welcome the year of the Dragon. Great to hear from you, Nicole!

  4. This stuff is the best! We just panfry them on a non-stick pan. I love the contrast between the crisp outside and chewy insides. Happy Chinese New Year to you too!

    1. Hi Christine, yup, this stuff is pretty awesome! Thanks for stopping by and happy Chinese New Year to you too!

  5. There are so many flavors for the Tikoy now, but I still go for the very basic one - the egg tends to not blend well with the other flavors kasi.

    Hopping here from Food Trip Friday, my entry is posted here:
    Pan de Amerikana - Marikina

    Happy weekends!

    1. True, the traditional Tikoy flavor is still the best! Great with little butter too! Thanks for dropping by!

  6. I so love tikoy! Visiting from FTF!
    Here is mine:
    Hope you check it out!


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