Friday, November 18, 2011

Lord Stow's Egg Tarts

Light, flaky, sweet and soft custard. Rich and creamy, the kind that makes you close your eyes. Lord Stow's famous egg tarts is an indulgence I reward myself, for any and whatever reason.

Opening its first outlet in 1989 in Macau, the Lord Stow's Bakery story is an amazing one, with much of its success attributed to this egg tart. The original bakery has  become an iconic tourist attraction in Macau and its egg tarts continue to be popular.

Lord Stow's Bakery now has outlets in Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Japan and the Philippines. Not bad for a little bakery that opened more than twenty years ago.

The egg tarts are best served warm, reheat if you can but if you can't wait, it's also not bad straight from the fridge.

The golden flaky pastry shell, sweet custard and buttery aroma combines for an awesome feast for the senses. Great with a cup of coffee, and then just close your eyes...

Lord Stow's is located at Unit 4, Ground Level, Madison Square, Madison Street corner Ortigas Avenue, Greenhills. Or call 727-9328 for inquiries and locations of their other branches.  

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  1. These do look like they could very well become a delicious addiction. Your description does make these sound like a heavenly treat. Lucky you to be in the vicinity of this place.

  2. Hello Tina, these little tarts can really be addicting, can't stop after just one tart. Thanks for dropping by, Tina!

  3. These look like the king of all egg tarts. I've tasted some pretty delicious egg tarts but none look quite as amazing as Lord Stow's. I'm adding that to my bucket list - find Lord Stow's Bakery, and try their famous egg tarts...

  4. Hey Nicole, yup, these tarts are worth the trip! Great to hear from you, Nicole!

  5. Woah! No wonder these looked familiar! I used to shop in this bakeshop at Xiamen before! I'm just so amazed right now. And yeah, not only are their egg tarts awesome, so are their other pastries.

    And hey, your blog's name is the male counterpart of mine! What a surprise! Nice to meet you here. :)

    Babe For Food - your new BFF in Cebu dining!

  6. These look so good. I could very easily eat all of them. They look just like the ones I can get from a deli near me!

  7. @ Justinne- yup, awesome tarts...and your blog's name is pretty cool! Thanks for dropping by and great to meet you too, Justinne!

    @ All That I'm Eating- I just did (eat all of them)! Really hard to stop once you start with these small tarts. Thanks for visiting!

  8. You had me at buttery and custard. Dear me these look amazing.

  9. They look awesome:))

  10. @ Kate@Kate from Scratch- Hi Kate, thanks for visiting!

    @ Dzoli- Hi Dzoli, thanks! Great to hear from you!

  11. Okay so I should stop by when? You did save me one right?

  12. Hello Kim Bee, drop by anytime, I'll have a couple of tarts in the oven just for you!

  13. These look fantastic! I would love to try them some day! I really enjoy custard tarts, yum.

  14. Hello Sara, yeah, these are one of my favorites. Thanks for visiting, Sara!

  15. These are one of my favorite snacks. I wanted one right now! :P Gosh...these remind me of my trip to Macau and Hong Kong earlier this year with all the yummy street foods.

  16. Hello Amy, any trip to Macau won't be complete without trying these egg tarts, and the street food! Thanks for dropping by, Amy!

  17. Oh dear, your description is amazing..I'm so there!

  18. omy...this looks divine...wonderful preparation..:)
    Tasty Appetite

  19. Wow! Lovely photos of these delicious treats! I've never heard of this place before, lucky you to be able to have these =]

  20. Great to hear from you, Free Spirit Eater!

  21. Replies
    1. Lord Stow's egg tarts are something else, still awesome after all these years!

  22. I have a serious addiction to these tarts! Here in Toronto, the Portuguese makes amazing egg custard tarts like these! O.M.G., to-die-for!

    1. Hi Jen, these tarts are awesome, and yes, very addicting! Thanks for visiting!


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