Sunday, February 19, 2012

Side Views: Fort Santiago and the Manila Bay Sunset

A late afternoon walk along the walled city of Intramuros and Fort Santiago in Old Manila during holy week, without the usual crowds...

Construction began in 1590 by the Spaniards, making Manila the capital of their new colony. The protected walled city formed a defensive ring from pirates and foreign invaders, and was often referred to as Intramuros, or "within the walls".  Situated beside the Pasig River, Fort Santiago served as the main fort during the spice trades and the Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade.

Most of the stone walls have survived countless wars and invasions, and today, the Spanish government continues to fund its preservation. The area sustained heavy damage during World War II, but the walls remain standing.

Just an hour or half-hour's drive from the north of Manila, depending on the traffic, going to Fort Santiago is like going back in time, with much of the structures maintained and preserved.

And there's no better way to end the side trip to Intramuros and Fort Santiago than a quick stop along Roxas Boulevard to catch the Manila Bay sunset.

A little history and a beautiful sunset. Perfect.

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  1. Awesome photos here! Of course you do not need a photo to remember it, unforgettable and breathtaking!

  2. Love the photos! so dramatic! <3

    Babe For Food - your BFF in Cebu dining!

  3. Nice pics Gerry! Could do with some of that 'round here! A

  4. Great photos. That last one is my fave.

  5. You got some gorgeous shots! Love the texture of the bricks and the sunset.


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