Monday, February 20, 2012

Side Views: Looking Up in Downtown San Francisco

I remember walking downtown San Francisco two years ago, getting lost, and then looking up... and falling in love with the architectural details of the old buildings...

The streets of downtown San Francisco is just alive with the bustling pace of a modern metropolis, and more often than not, we get to miss one of the city's more charming attractions. Amd all you have to do is look up...

The City by the Bay boasts some of the most modern structures, showcasing the latest architectural trends. But it's the older structures that give San Francisco its unique charm, with its art deco and classic buildings located downtown.

Elegant, graceful, with an unmistakable style from a bygone era, the structures remain as imposing and beautiful as ever against a brilliant blue sky.

The ornate details and refined contours combine for some truly amazing structures that stand out in a sea of modern glass and metal skyscrapers. 

Though these elegant buildings aren't even close or nearly as tall as the newer and modern skyscrapers that have defined the city's skyline, these historic structures add to the rich heritage and character of San Francisco.

Just let these old and graceful building take you back in time. Sometimes, all you need to do is look up to see things differently. And rediscover the city by the bay from a whole new perspective. When in downtown San Francisco, don't forget to look up and you'll be glad you did.

Check out some good eats from this trip in my previous posts, just click on the following links: A Thousand Miles on that epic road trip and Swan Oyster Depot: A True San Francisco Landmark for one of SFO's iconic dining destinations.

Dude for Food is now on Facebook and Instagram, check out the FB Page and IG Feed for regular updates on good eats and amazing places. Better yet, click "Like" and "Follow" and enjoy the ride...just look for the FB and IG widgets on the right sidebar. 


  1. Great Photos. San Francisco is a beautiful (windy) city. :)

  2. I'll be traveling to US soon and I have a 2 days stop over in Sanfo. So if you have only 2 days there, what are the most important and best scenery to see and restaurant to dine on?

    1. Hi Lovely, lucky you! Two days though is pretty short, but here are my recos:

      Swan Oyster Depot: If you like fresh oysters and seafood, this is a must try. It's a pretty cool place frequented by locals, nice vibe. Check out my previous post on Swan Oyster Depot here

      House of Prime Rib: Excellent prime rib, great formal dining place. Nice place to have dinner before the long flight home.

      Joe's Cable Car: For the best burgers, try Joe's Cable Car's fresh ground beefsteaks. And have a chat with Joe, he's usually there.

      Tommy's Joynt: If you like beef brisket and corned beef, go for Tommy's Joynt for their huge dinner plates.

      Check out my previous post, which features a photo from Joe's Cable Car and Tommy's Joynt.

      SFO is a great foodie city, lots of good places to eat. I suggest you also ask the concierge where the locals eat, and let me know if you discover some new places! Thanks Lovely and have a great trip!


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