Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Side Views: Grave Creek Covered Bridge

An unexpected detour from the road trip to Portland two years ago...and a historic covered bridge...awesome.

Driving along I-5, I decided to go for coffee at a gas station. And I'm glad I did. Turning left at Sunny Valley Exit, I spotted the bridge. Built in 1920, the classic wooden covered bridge just brings back an old movie feel. A break in the weather allowed a little more sunlight to reveal the classic lines of the bridge. Perfect.

Nearby was a visitor center, which unfortunately was closed being the off-season. Calm and serene, it was a nice break before continuing the long drive to Portland.

Check out some good eats on the road trip at my previous post, just clink the link http://dude4food.blogspot.com/2011/03/thousand-miles.html.

Dude for Food is now on Facebook, checkout the FB Page for regular updates on good eats. Better yet, click "Like" and enjoy the ride...just look for the FB "Like" widget on the right sidebar.


  1. Very cool... reminds me of the movie "Bridges of Madison County" :)

  2. Thanks for visiting our blog today. Just visiting back. You sure have some beautiful photos on here. I'll be back often to see your new posts.

    1. Hi Carla and Michael, thanks for visiting back!


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