Thursday, April 12, 2012

Side Views: Bandelier National Monument

Amazing hiking trails taking you back in time to the ancient Pueblo peoples' cliff dwellings, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Bandelier National Park Preserve. Definitely something different and unique, and a must-visit when in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Almost 10,000 years ago, the ancestral Pueblo people established settlements in the high cliffs, carving out shelter from the sandstone.

Almost like high-rises, these ancient dwellings can be accessed through steep trails up the cliff.

Ladders allow visitors to enter the cave dwellings. Inside, the temperature remains constant, and much cooler. The trails also allow you to step back in time, and a pretty good work out too.

This ancient multi-story cliff-dwellings are amazing, giving one a unique glimpse of the past. Check out some good eats on this road trip at

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  1. Nice pictures. But i'll pass on the climbing :)

    1. Hi Jen, thanks! And the climb is pretty steep in some parts but it all adds up to an amazing experience! Great to hear from you Jen!


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