Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's in the Fridge...Crispy Calamari

Found a half empty bag of frozen squid rings...looks like another fridge raid in the making.

After thawing out the frozen squid rings, place in a bowl and squeeze in some fresh kalamansi (local lime) before mixing in a little flour, salt and pepper. Then dip the squid rings in egg before rolling it some bread crumbs. Deep fry until golden brown, which really just takes a few minutes.

Once golden brown, place the squid rings on some paper towels for a few minutes to absorb excess oil. A nice mayo or tartar dip completes this quick and easy dish.

Great with garlic fried rice, or better yet, grab a cold beer in time for the NBA telecast at ESPN.  Perfect.

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  1. Replies
    1. Hi pinkc00kies, thanks! And thanks for stopping by!

  2. one of my favorites and I dip it in a mustard-mayo sauce...

    1. Hi peachkins, mustard mayo sounds good! Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Crispy squid is one of my all time faves. I've got some squid in the freezer, little ones from California of all places. Time to heat up some oil! A. :)

    1. Hi Anthony, it's great with a few brews too! I think the little ones are best for this, have a good one!

  4. Again, another one of my faves! I need to learn how to make this!

    1. Hi Anna, it's quite easy to do, I'm pretty sure you can do this in no time!


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