Monday, April 23, 2012

A Summer Afternoon At My Aunt's Secret Garden

This summer, every day seems to be hotter than the day before, with average temps reaching the high 30s. It seems no one can escape the sweltering heat, but my Aunt's garden appears to thrive, blooming in full color. Sundays at my Aunt's place is a great time to reconnect and strengthen family ties, and nothing bonds like good food.

Vibrant colors, different shapes and forms, so much life.

Like an oasis in the middle of a heat wave, my Aunt's garden is a perfect retreat to celebrate good times.

For a late afternoon merienda, my Aunt has Crispy Sisig from her favorite vendor, a twist on the traditional dish with crispy fried pork belly and cracklings, green chilies, lots of garlic and red onions. More heat from the chilies, on an already hot summer afternoon? Why not. Perfect with a cold beer.

Turon, a traditional sweet, deep fried spring roll filled with bananas, jackfruit and sugar. Crisp, sweet and savory, it's a great afternoon snack.

Leche Flan from Dulcinea, a sweet caramel custard to complete the afternoon sugar fix. Conveniently packaged in individual servings, just the right size. Slightly chilled, Dulcinea's Leche Flan is one cool treat.

Another awesome Sunday afternoon. Good food. Good times.

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  1. Those banana snacky bits sound amazing! Sounds like you had a great time.

    1. Crisp and sweet, nice savory snack! Great to hear from you!

  2. All of this does make for a near perfect day, great food, family time and getting back to nature. Your Aunt's garden really does have some lovely flowers and the flan as well as the spring rolls look delicious!

  3. Hi Tina, thanks! Cool break from the summer heat, great to hear from you!

  4. These all sound fantastic, Gerry! Really want to try them all. I've been quite intrigued by Filipino (we call Filo here in Australia) food for a while and recently bought my first Filo cookbook. Can't wait to learn more about the culture by cooking my way through that. Btw, the flowers look so tropical, just like the ones I see in Malaysia. Have a good one!

    1. Hey Winston, thanks! Hope you have fun with the Filo cookbook!

  5. Pretty flowers and yummy food? Must really be an awesome Sunday you had there :)

  6. beautiful pictures of flowers and food looks wonderful

    1. Hi Akheela, thanks! And thanks for stopping by!

  7. Your aunt definitely knows how to entertain. Fabulous merienda ha! Everything looks sinfully yum!

    1. Nothing beats cool Sunday afternoons, thanks iska!

  8. Replies
    1. Hi pinkc00ies, yup, fresh off the deep fryer, really good!

  9. if i have a garden, i'd eat al fresco everyday.:p your aunt's garden looks like the place to be on hot afternoons. the crispy sisig is mouth-watering, and turon with langka--sarap!:p

    1. Hi Luna, cool place, good eats, perfect Sunday afternoon. Thanks Luna!

  10. turon, sisig, leche flan...miss having them. i will make sure i can have them next month, can't wait. btw, those flowers are really lovely...must be nice to hang around in her secret garden. :) visiting from FTF, see you around. thanks and have a great week. :)

    1. Hi cHeErFuL, thanks, have a great week ahead too!

  11. Found your site through Yum Goggle. Ooh! That crispy sisig is to-die for! My Mom was from Pampanga, and that's what I miss about the Philippines - eating at roadside sisig joints! You've got some delicious food here :)

    1. Hi Jen, the best sisig is still from Pampanga, and nothing like the original roadside joints, specially those beside the tracks! Thanks for visiting!


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