Monday, April 2, 2012

What's in the Fridge: Tamales

It's always a treat when somebody brings home tamales from Pampanga. Tied and wrapped in banana leaves, these glutinous spicy rice cakes brings back a lot of good memories. I remember my grandmother bringing this stuff over, and those were good times.

Made from rice and coconut milk, topped with thin strips of chicken, sliced boiled eggs, achuete (annato) for that distinctive orange color and black pepper for that unique heat and flavor, and then wrapped tightly in banana leaves before steaming. The local tamales traces its origin from Spanish influences, an adaptation from the Latin-American staple made from corn.

The smooth texture and delicate flavors are really comforting, great for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

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  1. Hi Gerry, That tamale looks absolutely wonderful! Interesting and delicious flavors too. Have a great week ahead!

  2. I looked up Pampanga on google maps.. I didn't realise what a massive spanish influence there has been in the Philippines... most of the places have Spanish names! A :)

    1. Yup, 400 years under Spanish colonial rule so influences in religion and food is very strong. And contacts with Mexico and Latin America with the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade route also resulted in more cultural exchanges, including food. Great to hear from you Anthony!

  3. I haven't tried tamales before, but I like anything with coconut milk, so I'm sure I'll love it, too! Visiting late from Delight My Appetite!

    1. Hi Tetcha, it's a delicious treat, thanks for visiting!


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