Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Light Lunch on a Rainy Afternoon at The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

Grey skies and a light shower that turned into a full blown downpour, a sure sign that summer's definitely over. What was supposed to be a leisurely walk one Saturday afternoon at the Promenade turned into a late lunch special, not a bad idea. Something light, something healthy...a salad and pasta lunch and a good cup of coffee to sit out the rain. Cool.

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's White Chocolate Dream, great way to start and end any meal at CBTL. Frothy, sweet, and robust coffee flavor, perfect with the afternoon rain.

The Greek Salad, loaded with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, lemon vinaigrette and topped with chunky feta cheese. The tartness of the vinaigrette provides a flavorful counterpoint to the rich and creamy feta cheese.

The Tomato and Herb Linguine, simple yet comforting. The tomatoes somehow tastes like a burst of sunshine on a gloomy afternoon, just perfect.

The Roast Chicken and Mushroom Fusilli with rich, creamy sauce and peppers. 

The Banana Chocolate Muffin, moist, not too sweet, a perfect side to a good cup of coffee. I never thought the banana and chocolate combo could work so well, which was a nice surprise. 

Nothing like a good light  lunch with a cup of coffee on a rainy afternoon. And the sun did come out at the end of the late lunch, just another perfect afternoon at the Promenade.

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is located at The Promenade, Greenhills Shopping Center, Greenhills or visit for details on other branch locations.

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  1. Replies
    1. hey pinkc00kies, the linguine's good! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. CBTL in Chandler Center is my fave place too...I can never resist their Double Chocolate mix. Your pictures are always cool. =) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi myFudo, thanks! I still have a lot to learn about photography, you have awesome food shots! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love CBTL Meals, especially their breakfast meals :) I've yet to try their pasta dishes though, I've been hearing raves about it :)

    1. Hi Yedy, I enjoyed the Tomato and Herb Linguine, thanks for stopping by!

  4. That Greek Salad looks divine! Especially the feta cheese. Might want to try that soon!

    1. hi lazyblackcat, the salad's good, and really loaded with feta cheese, good eats!

  5. that pasta is calling mu name!:p
    i love their nachos!

    Breakfast of Champions

    1. Hi Luna, the pasta selection's really good, thanks for stopping by!

  6. that's a perfect sweet temptation. Visiting from FTF

    Sahms Dining Diary

    1. Hi Anne, it was a great light lunch, thanks for dropping in!

  7. The Greek Salad looks good! :)

    1. Hi jerellt, and with chunks of feta cheese, awesome! Thanks for visiting!

  8. the salad looks inviting :-) Dropping by from FTF


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