Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Little Sunshine and Southwestern Flavors at Chili's

The rains have finally eased up, but the skies remained grey.  A little taste of sunshine would be nice. 

Southwestern flavors on a grey overcast day seemed to be a good idea. And Chili's is definitely the place.

Chili's Soup of the Day (P 150+ for a cup), Southwestern Style Vegetable soup with a tomato based broth. Topped with tortilla strips and cheese, it's a light yet hearty soup, just perfect to start your meal.

Diced potatoes, carrots, white beans and sweet corn complete the soup. Nice, bold flavors and textures in a cup.

Margarita Grilled Chicken and Shrimp Combo (P 575+), tender and juicy grilled chicken breast topped with  spicy garlic and lime grilled shrimp on a bed of Chili's rice, vegetables and pico de gallo.

Squeeze some lime, and the dish is complete. The rice is richly flavored with red and green peppers and sweet corn, nicely complementing the grilled chicken. The grey skies eventually cleared, and seemed to hold. And it did.  Walking out in the sun just feels so much better after a Southwestern dish.

Chili's is located at #28 Missouri Street, Greenhills, San Juan, or call 727-2959 for deliveries.

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  1. You are making me hungry with all these mouthwatering food!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi pinkc00kies, Chili's always hits the spot for me too...thanks for dropping by!

  3. I would like to go through the screen and grab this plate... looks great.

  4. It all looks very good. I think you entree looked very healthy. YUM! :)

    1. Hi Ramona, light and healthy for a change, great to hear from you Ramona!


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