Friday, December 30, 2011

Chicharon, a cold bottle of Sparkling Apple Juice, and Dave Matthews Band

Found two bottles of Appletiser Sparkling Apple Juice in the fridge. Cool. (Thanks to my cuz Teresa for the Christmas basket and Appletisers!). And hey, got some chicharon to go with it. Perfect. The dude's other cuz handed over a small pack from his recent trip to Cebu, and it's not just any chicharon, but Zubuchon Chicharon. 

The same Zubuchon whose famous lechon (roast whole pig) was hailed by Anthony Bourdain as "the best roasted pig in the world."  

The deep fried pork rinds are heavier than the regular chicharon, and you just know it's gonna be good. Snap a piece and the crunch tells you this is serious stuff. 

Throw in a Dave Matthews Band CD, cue cut 5 for #41, pop open the sparkling apple juice, dunk the chicharon in a vinegar chili dip...awesome. Great with a cold beer too. And then for a moment, balance and harmony, no mercury retrograde, no bad news. Another perfect weekend afternoon. And a perfect way to greet the new year. Now, gotta find those hypertension meds...

Zubuchon Chicharon is currently available only in Cebu, but if you know where to find it here in the Metro, do let me know.

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  1. In the UK they'd be called 'pork scratchings' and are for sale in every pub. Those ones from Cebu look top quality. :)

  2. hey firefoodie, these go very well with beer! Great to hear from you firefoodie, and here's wishing you the very best in the coming new year!

  3. Dave Matthews Band reminds me of one of my high school math teachers who was a big fan of them, haha. Anyway, I've not had chicharons yet, but they look really crispy and tasty!

  4. Hey Ducky, sounds like a cool Math teacher! I thought of doing chicharon to end the year, and start eating a little healthier in 2012. Great to hear from you Ducky and happy new year!

  5. Now that's what I call a good time!!Looks yummy! Have a wonderful New Year and all best for 2012!

  6. hey Ramona, here's to good times, and even better times in the new year! Happy new year to you and your family!

  7. Sounds like you have the New Year's plan down--hope you have a good one!

  8. Hello Cucina49, thanks for dropping by! Here's wishing you and your family a very happy new year!

  9. I've never tried or heard of chicharon before… but it looks good and crispy! I know it's not the healthiest but I love almost anything deep-fried. Have a happy new year!

  10. Hi Nicole, yup, one last "unhealthy" snack before the year ends! Here's wishing you and your family the very best in the coming new year!

  11. My mom would actually make some soup after frying them. Or use them in new year hotpot.
    Happy New Year!

  12. Hi Angie, chicharon makes for great toppings in soups and some noodle dishes. A new year hot pot sounds great! Thanks for dropping by Angie, and happy new year to you and your family!

  13. this looks wonderful lovely site nice to meet you following you on google friends

  14. Hello Torviewtoronto, thanks for visiting and following! Looking forward to sharing posts with you. Happy New year to you and your family!

  15. Mmmm.... pork scratchings. Mmmmm.

    I love pork scratchings - we can buy them in Australia and I can easily eat a whole bag by myself. Yours looks particularly fine though.

    I've never thought of dipping the in a sauce - usually because they're gone in under 3 minutes. But will try that next time.

    Happy New Year, food dude!

  16. Hi Christina, yeah, the chicharon really didn't last long, it was gone in minutes! Great to hear from you and happy new year!


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