Friday, December 2, 2011

Not Just Any Can of Tuna

The Dude's cuz dropped off a package recently. Wondering what it was, I opened the package revealing cans of tuna. Hmm...more stuff for the pantry, cool. Until I read the label...very cool! 

Any ideas on dude-friendly easy-to-do recipes on canned tuna? I'd love to hear from you...

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  1. Hi Jay, thanks! I'm still figuring out how to eat this non commercial and exclusive can of tuna...probably just straight from the can if I can't think of something...

  2. I love cooking and working with tuna fish. The first thing that comes to mind are my tuna cutlets. But then there is a tuna inspired curry too. You can add it to's pretty great product. Enjoy it. Yum!

  3. Hi Ramona, I was actually thinking of a pasta dish too, will have to raid the fridge soon...or a quick tuna salad. Thanks for the tip, Ramona!

  4. Good canned tuna is a wonderful gift. I work at a pharmacy/soda fountain that has been around since 1867 (really!) We have the best yellowfin tuna that we use for our tuna salad. And, itcannot be found in the supermarkets only through restaurant food distributor. I wonder if I can find your brand and if it is as good. Enjoy it!

  5. Hello Camille, I'd love to see your soda fountain one of these days, very cool! As for the canned tuna, this particular line is an exclusive run and not for commercial sales, so I'm hoping it's good. Thanks for dropping by, Camille!

  6. Puttanesca : ) Olive oil, Capers, Olives, Anchovies, garlic, red chili, fresh basil if u have it, oregano and .....Nice canned Tuna ; ) w/ Pasta. Very yummy, quick and easy...

  7. Make some spread/dip, salad, or fritter!

  8. @ Jenn-Hi Jenn, Puttanesca sounds like a great idea, thanks Jenn! And thanks too for visiting!

    @ Angie-hey Angie, great suggestions, salad and dip look interesting, and something I can do! Thanks for the tips, Angie!

  9. I have begun mixing tuna with a guacamole type mixture. To die for! I'd love to see a manly spin on that :)

  10. You can't beat a tuna mayonnaise sandwich with cucumber.

  11. @ Emily - Hi Emily, the guacamole combination sounds delicious! Great tip, Emily!

    @ All That I'm Eating - Yeah, you really can't beat the classic tuna and mayo sandwich! Thanks for the tip!

  12. salad, pasta, dip already mentioned. hm...

    Tuna sandwich with Tartar sauce, Tomato and lettuce. cold tastes better then toasted.

    You can boil French beans and potaoes and make a White sauce and serve it with your Tuna oil flakes.

    I feel canned Tuna always tastes better uncooked, but I guesse thats a taste story.

  13. Hi Helene, yeah, I enjoy straight from the can too, due to the level of my cooking skills (or lack of it):)) Tartar sauce sounds like a great idea! Thanks, Helene!

  14. The possibilities are pretty endless, depending on your particular taste, however the tuna salad is the first that comes to mind. Lucky you to have been given such prime tuna!

  15. Hello Tina, I was also thinking of another fridge raid salad. Thanks for the tip, Tina!

  16. You could make tuna patties, tuna salad sandwich, add tuna to pasta, dip.

  17. I don't cook with tuna much, I tend to use it on salads, but on days when my husband cooks for himself he often just cooks up some pasta and adds tuna mixed with mayonnaise and sweetcorn for a tasty protein rich dish!

  18. @ Christine's Pantry - Hi Christine, delicious tips, a tuna salad sandwich sounds cool! Thanks for the tips, Christine!

    @ Ruth - Hi Ruth, tuna pasta sounds delicious! Thanks for the tasty idea, Ruth!

  19. For me it has to be penne with tuna and broccoli. Tuna, steamed broccoli, creme fraiche with lashings of fresh parmesan and a finely chopped fresh chilli!.... or otherwise a good ole nicoise salad. Love the stuff!

  20. hey firefoodie, thanks for the great tips!

  21. Replies
    1. Hi Arvie, it was a special release given to guests and customers some years back and not available for sale. But thanks for visiting my blog!


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