Monday, April 2, 2012

Side Views: Sunrise at the Grand Canyon

The dawn's early light slowly reveals this incredible wonder of nature, with the penetrating glow peeling away the different layers to reveal a truly amazing sight. I was told to catch the sunrise at the Grand Canyon, and it's an experience that still blows me away three years later. 

As the sun rises on the distant horizon, the Grand Canyon slowly unveils itself in a wash of colors, growing brighter by the minute.

And then, magically, the colors reveal more details of the canyon.

The play of light and shadow cast a mystic feel at this natural wonder, and no matter how many times I've seen it, one can't help but feel awed by it all. 

And as you hike up the trail, more of the canyon's secrets are revealed. 

Walking the trails on the South Rim, I found an unexpected escort along the way...

This surprising encounter was over in a few seconds, and the mule deer disappeared casually behind the bushes as I continue up the trail...

As you pause to catch to catch your breath, the canyon then reveals yet another view...

...and another...

...and yet another. 

But there is still more to see...

...a whole lot more.

And as the sun moves across the sky, different colors are painted on the canyon, giving it a distinct look for every part of the day.

The end of another awesome day at the Grand Canyon, a prelude to even more awesome days ahead in an amazing road trip along Route 66.

Check out some good eats on this road trip at

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  1. The Grand Canyon is a truly majestic place to visit and you have really captured its beauty in all these photos. Also, pretty cool about having that visitor, perfect timing. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Tina, thanks! And bumping into that unexpected companion on the trail was really awesome! Always great to hear from you, have an awesome Easter weekend ahead!

  2. Now that's a place I gotta visit.. great pics Gerry! A: :)

    1. The whole trip felt like a National Geographic episode, truly an amazing place. And to see the Grand Canyon change colors as the sun moves during the day is awesome! You should bring your family here, I'm sure they'll enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by Anthony!


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