Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's in the Fridge...Chilled Taho

Found a half empty tub of taho...nice. It's amazing how this humble snack of silky tofu or soybean curd is making a comeback of sorts, with more specialty shops being opened in the metro. This traditional snack can trace its roots to Chinese origins way before the Spanish colonial period, brought by Chinese traders. 

Traditionally served warm, chilled taho is a refreshing twist and a great way to beat the summer heat. Flavors are sharper when chilled, and the smooth texture makes this a truly unique treat.

Low in fat, it's also a healthier alternative, just go easy on the sweet caramelized syrup.

And after all these years, it's pretty cool to rediscover this old childhood favorite.

The Tofu Store offers two sizes, the 12 oz. (P 25) and 1 Kilo tub (P 90). 

The Tofu Store is located at Unit 5, Citiplace Building, 8001 Jose Abad Santos St., Little Baguio, San Juan or call 727-7548 for inquiries.

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  1. Replies
    1. Hi pinc00kies, best for the summer heat! Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Mmm... I've never been a fan of taho and even despite several attempts to convince myself because watching people eat it makes me jealous. I haven't tried it chilled though, looks enticing. :D

      So after all this milk tea craze lately, taho seems to be next in line. Cool! :D

      Babe for Food - your BFF in Cebu dining! :)

    3. Hi Justinne, you should give this another try! Great to hear from you!

  2. I miss the days when Mang Johnny comes by toting two big canisters and yelling "Taho!" We would all rush out to call him over. Then he'd begin the process of carefully spooning off the water before scraping off thin slice after thin slice of taho... We'd always ask for extra "tamis" and extra sago. :)

    1. Hi Buckeroomama, so many good childhood memories with taho, I also remember eagerly waiting for the taho vendor every weekend, and yes, the extras are always added, very cool!

  3. This reminds me so much of curd and syrup we eat in Sri Lanka. Curd is a rich thicker version of yogurt and the syrup is treacle. It's the best. You're making me crave it now. :) I think I'm going have find some in my fridge and do my own .... fridge raid. :)

    1. Hi Ramona, I;d love to try Sri Lankan curd one of these days, thanks for stopping by!

  4. This is called 'taufoo-fa' in my country. i love this either warm or chilled with its silky smooth texture. it just kinda slide into your mouth. yums.

    1. Hi Jen, it's amazing how we enjoy pretty much the same thing, really cool! Thanks for stopping by Jen!


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